Traffic police posted at new Patto bridge, after Herald points to slowing of traffic

PWD has to study whether it is a structural fault of the bridge or see if it is just a surface gap
Traffic police posted at new Patto bridge, after Herald points to slowing of traffic
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PANJIM: There is massive traffic jam on the new Patto bridge in the lane entering the city. This traffic congestion is caused due to the deep gap between the bridge and the approach road. While the lane of Patto Bridge leaving the city is clear there is congestion on the lane entering the city.

The patience of office goers and those entering Panjim city is tested on a daily basis, each morning, afternoon and evening. There is a major traffic block at the new Patto bridge on a daily basis. This happens on the new Patto bridge lane entering the city. Dozens of cars line up on the left lane upto below the Mandovi bridge due to the traffic congestion.

The reason for the traffic congestion is a deep gap between the bridge and the approach road. This causes every vehicle to break dead and then proceed. This leads to traffic congestion. Ironically there is no traffic congestion on the other lane of the Patto bridge leaving the city.

Herald published a photo of the gap, in the new Patto bridge lane on Monday, due to which the Traffic Police Department posted two traffic personnel on the lane entering the city, on Tuesday

However this had no impact on the traffic congestion. The fault is pertaining to the road and the traffic cops cannot do a thing about the slowing down of traffic due to the gap.

A more sinister result of the traffic jam is that two wheelers are forced to take the risk and come through the pedestrian pathway, due to the traffic congestion. In doing this the two wheelers are putting the lives of pedestrians into danger

The PWD has to act fast and repair the gap between the bridge and the approach road. Furthermore, they have to study whether it is a structural fault of the bridge and if so major repairs will have to be done, or see if it is just a surface gap. Any which way, serious attention of the PWD is needed to resolve this issue on the new Patto bridge.

Herald Goa