Farmers of Satorlim-Gaondongrim village in Canacona show the way in self-sufficiency

Farmers of Satorlim-Gaondongrim village in  Canacona show the way in self-sufficiency
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Far away from the public gaze, in Canacona’s remote village of Satorlim-Gaondongrim, a dedicated group of farmers is rewriting the narrative of agricultural sustenance.

With a vision to breathe life into barren lands, foster livelihoods, and champion sustainability, these farmers from the tribal community 

are leading by example, transforming 

a 45,000 square metres land into 

a flourishing testament of self-sufficiency. 

Satorlim, a hamlet is home to approximately 500 residents, predominantly tribal members who have woven the fabric of their lives around agriculture for decades.

Initiating a community farming endeavour three years ago, 15 families comprising 35 members contributed Rs 30,000, reshaping not only their village's landscape but their destinies. Today, these families stand self-sustained, reaping the rewards of their toil.

O Heraldo travelled into the heart of Satorlim, exploring the fields and engaging with the community, uncovering a success story woven with the threads of government-backed agricultural schemes and expert 


“The growth of the farm and the cultivation is a reflection of dedicated hard work,” expressed Molu Gaonkar with pride. 

He recounted the humble beginnings, where each family contributed a meagre Rs 2,000. However, the subsequent expenses were shouldered by the revenue derived from their produce. 

Cultivating a diverse array of crops, the group has become a beacon of agricultural ingenuity. From chillies to various vegetables, pigeon peas, and an assortment of root vegetables like yams, elephant foot yams, and taro, their fields are a mosaic of colours and flavours. 

Spices like pepper, nutmeg, and cinnamon add aromatic richness, while fruits such as papaya and bananas grace the orchards. 

The group has also diversified into cashew, coconut, paddy, and marigold cultivation, with ambitious plans to introduce sandalwood and bamboo 

in the future.

Subhash Gaonkar, another member in the group, acknowledged the invaluable support and technical guidance received from experts at ICAR. “From soil preparation to harvesting, our members have undergone comprehensive training, ensuring a holistic approach to agriculture. Even our women are adept at handling modern agricultural equipment and also coconut plucking which otherwise was considered as a man’s job,” he added, underscoring the inclusivity of their endeavour.

The heartbeat of Satorlim's success lies in unity, a virtue embedded in the ethos of the Self Help Group. 

Molu Gaonkar revealed the intricacies of their cooperative approach, where a rotation system ensures that every aspect of the farm is meticulously tended to. 

“Every week, a group of five members takes care of the entire farm—protecting it from wild animal attacks, ensuring proper irrigation, weeding, and maintaining cleanliness,” he shared.

The ensuing profits at the end of the year are a testament to their collective efforts, distributed equitably among all members. 

Beyond the bountiful harvests and the economic sustenance derived from the land, the story of Satorlim Self Help Group is one of resilience, camaraderie, and a shared vision for a greener, self-sustainable future. 

Their journey from barren fields to thriving farmlands is not just a narrative of agricultural success but a poignant testament to the transformative power of community-driven initiatives. 

As the sun sets over the emerald fields of Satorlim, it paints a portrait of hope and inspiration — an ode to 

the indomitable spirit of these farmers who have turned adversity into 


(Inputs by Basuri Desai)

Herald Goa