A musical enactment of the passion of Christ

A musical enactment of the  passion of Christ
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Musical: Via Dolorosa
Cast: Reagan Fernandes, Antonio Soares, Kevin Silva, Dane, Gomes, Ana Fernandes, Franky Cardozo, Susai Raj, Rosario Vaz
Music Director: Seby Fernandes
Story: Reflection on the sufferings and passion of Christ, trials and betrayal and the supreme sacrifice on Mount Calvary.
The journey begins with Christ’s glorious entry into Jerusalem on a donkey, with the people singing his praises, palm fronds in hand. The next enactment is Jesus and his disciples at the Last Supper and His act of washing of the feet of His disciples. This is followed an explanation of the noble act.
At the Passover meal, the thanksgiving and sharing of bread and wine is enacted on stage. Jesus leads his disciples to the Mount of Olives, where he prays to His Father in Gethsemane in order to take away the cup of suffering. This leads to the arrest of Jesus follows with the betrayal and kiss of Judas.
The arrest of Jesus in the presence of chief priests and officers of the temple guard is depicted on stage. The mockery and beating by the men who were guarding Jesus is also enacted. Jesus before the Pilate, setting Barabbas free, carrying of the cross to Calvary, encountering a man from Cyrene and women of Jerusalem and the Crucifixionare some of the scenes that follow one after the other.
‘Via Dolorosa’, an operetta by the Saviorites of Loutolim, with script penned and music directed by Seby Fernandes, invites every viewer to enter into a journey of Christ’s passion and suffering. It leads you into a deep reflection that culminates into repentance and prayer. 
The commentary provided by Peter Gomes and Carmen Gomes, besides songs in between the acts by Jerry Cardozo, Priyanka Barneto, Nora Xavier, Carmen Gomes, Charles Vaz, Rinaldo Barneto, Franky Cardozo and Peter Gomes are appealing and soothing to the ear.
All the artistes on stage, especially those enacting the main roles, have done justice to their respective Biblical characters. Reagan Fernandes as Jesus, Antonio Soares as Pilate, Kevin Silva as Simon of Cyrene, Rosario Vaz as Judas deserve to be commended.
The concluding scene wherein some of the characters like the soldiers, Simon of Cyrene, women of Jerusalem, Pilate and others speak their heart out depending on their respective roles is worth the watch.
The musicians, which include the violinists, cellists, flautists, keyboardists, guitarists and the drummer led by Seby Fernandes deserve appreciation for all the efforts put in to make the operetta a success. Instead of supporting tiatrs during the Lenten season, which lead to sheer entertainment, if such operettas and musicals are introduced and welcomed by various parishes, it will certainly serve as spiritual food for thought and reflection to the Catholic communities across Goa.
Herald Goa