
A family melodrama

Herald Team

The story revolves around a rich woman (Dolly) and her two children, Aaron (Alijoy) and Melba (Alina). Melba has tied the knot with Denzil (Mario), but the marriage has hit the rocks. On the other hand, there’s a cobbler (Pascoal Rodrigues) and his only daughter Melanie (Melita). The cobbler tries to support the family financially by mending shoes on the footpath.

Aaron is in love with Melanie and one fine day he proposes to her. But he does not reveal the family background of Melanie to his mother.

Soon after Aaron’s marriage, Melba returns to her parents’ home. She vows never to return to her husband. Now, trouble sets in on account of Melba’s presence in the house. Mother and daughter join hands in order to torture Melanie. Initially, Melanie gets moral support from her husband. But after he walks away on an assignment, there’s mental and physical torture from the mother-in-law and sister-in-law.

On return home, will Aaron stand by his suffering wife? Or will he get inclined towards his mother and sister? What follows next is worth the watch during the second half.

Comedian Sally’s tiatr ‘Hem Ghor Tujem Nhoi’ is a family melodrama with the usual story of mother, daughter-in-law and sister-in-law, a subject which has been touched upon by several directors in the past. When tiatr directors run short of ideas and subjects, then they tend to harp upon the same old topic of the past, with twists and turns here and there.

All the artistes have given a fine performance on stage. As guardians, Pascoal Rodrigues and Dolly give their best in their respective characters in two different households. They are ably supported by Alijoy, Melita and Mario, who makes a cameo in the concluding scene. Alina stands out in her negative role throughout and she enacts it with gusto and style.

In the comic acts, there’s comedian Sally along with Samica, Aveena and Preet and the foursome carry a good dose of decent laughter pills under their sleeves.

In the section of songs, Alijoy makes entry for the opening song, followed by solos from Jr Reagan, Evaristo de Arambol, Alina, Peviola and Pascoal Rodrigues. There are songs from Jr Reagan and Alijoy, Evaristo de Arambol and Alijoy. A political solo from Saby de Divar and a duet from Alina and Saby de Divar receive encores. A trio and a quartet went amiss in the entire presentation. When there are a variety of songs in a tiatr, it turns out to be a complete entertainer.

The stage sets are by Anthony de Ambaji, while Romeo has assisted with the light effects.