
Goa’s youth condemn ragging at GMCH, welcome rustication

Herald Team

The ragging incident at GMCH has sent shock waves amongst youngsters in Goa. They have not only condemned the incident but also lauded the action taken against the offenders, saying that this will send a strong message to the student community and deter them against repeating this act.

“Ragging is a heinous crime that not only can cause physical injuries to the victim but also leave him or her mentally scarred. Educational institutions are temples of knowledge where future generations are moulded and shaped. Apart from imparting technical knowledge, educational institutes should also strive towards building the character of students. This cannot be achieved in an atmosphere where ragging takes place,” said Hrishikesh Chanekar, student at Parvatibai Chowgule College, Margao.

“As such, I endorse the rustication of the perpetrators of such an act. An example should be set to all students that ragging or any other form of mental or physical abuse will not be tolerated in educational institutions. Ultimately, our future will be shaped by the youngsters of today and tomorrow. We need to produce not just well educated but well-mannered students who can take our state and country to great heights,” Chanekar said.

Amol Vani, student at St Xavier’s College, Mapusa said that the issue at GMC isn’t a minor issue. “Such illegal acts happening in a premier medical college in India is indeed disheartening. The rustication of the accused students is indeed a right step and it should send out a clear message that such activities will not be entertained,” he said.

According to Bhakti Dhupkar, student at Sant Soiroba Government College, Virnoda ragging and bullying is the most common anti-social behaviour amongst adolescents.

“To stop this, anti-bullying and anti-ragging committees should be more vigilant in handling bullying in schools and colleges. This is outrageous and not just for me, for every sensitive person. Students might lose their confidence for their whole life. It is a very serious offence. I am personally disturbed,” Dhupkar said.

Aniket Prabhu, a student of V M Salgaocar College of Law alleged that ragging has always been a major issue amongst the students and in colleges. Due to the fear of ragging many parents don’t allow their children to stay in hostels.

“Most of the colleges have an anti-ragging cell but are non-functional. The rules and regulations with strict punishments should be strictly implemented. This incident and the decision by GMC will definitely create an awareness amongst the students and college. It would be prudent to have an app or a social media platform for connecting the students that would facilitate immediate complaint and action against ragging,” Prabhu said.

Mitanshu Kawlekar, founder of Maiche Kazar (Meme Page) and student of GEC said that there can be no excuse for violent ragging: physical or mental abuse.

“There is also a very fine line between teasing and harassing. a sensitive student may be hugely traumatised by this, while others may not. Institutions have been trying to stop it but I’m really not sure if it can be stopped, premiere institutions or not. Plus, the perpetrators are mostly from privileged families rather than the victims. Caste, status, income play a major role,” Kawlekar said.

“In today’s time, we are surrounded with numerous inhumane acts and as we say ‘the new generation is the future’, we are responsible for being the change, promoting and influencing humanity. Ragging is not given much attention or priority but it’s high time we consider it as an issue and take necessary actions accordingly. Letting go would just encourage such acts,” said Princy Fadte, student at St. Xavier’s College Mapusa.

“It must have been gravely traumatis­ing to the people who are studying there. As a student myself, I think such behaviour is condem­nable. Also, initiatives should be taken to encourage students, fac­ulty members to report such incidents anonymously,” she said.

Swaathishri Mohan, also a student from St. Xavier’s College Mapusa, said that it was quite surprising to still hear that such an incident occurred in a prominent college in Goa.

Kishan Mangueshkar, a Civil Engineer was upset by the fact that such an incident could occur in a premiere medical college and done by budding doctors, who are supposed to save lives and not harm them.

“It was very disheartening to know about ragging happening at prestigious institutions like GMCH and more specifically this was done by doctors who are believed and expected to be more humane and compassionate towards all. So definitely this somewhere would tarnish the image of GMC students and put a question mark on the attitude of doctors who would be passing out from here,” Mangueshkar said.

“Of course, such cases are rare and we can’t accuse the entire fraternity for the foolishness of a few people. As such five per cent miscreants are bound to be there in all fields, which we need to handle them tactfully. But seeing a bigger picture, such cases must be addressed very seriously and all educational institutions should show zero tolerance towards ragging,” he said.