
Laughter on the spot

Herald Team

What do you get when a Goan, a Gujarati and a Delhiite step onto the stage? You get Mischief in Action! Yes, that’s what the collaboration between comedians Gavin Methalaka from Goa, Jahnavi Dave from Gujarat and Naveen Kaushik from Delhi is called. All set for their first show in Goa, the comedians are enjoying their stay so far.

The three comedians met at the Improv Company Mumbai, which was formed in 2009, with Naveen being the first member, followed by Gavin who joined five years ago, and Jahnavi, who has been with the company for three years. That’s when they decided to form Mischief in Action four months ago. The Improv Company Mumbai consists of 16 members, while Mischief in Action is a collaboration between these three comedians.

Gavin describes improv for the Goan audience: “For improv, we will play with the audience and not off the audience. There is no script and everything is impromptu.” Jahnavi adds, “It’s a lot of fun and everything is cooked up with the audience.” Naveen chirps in, saying, “It is absolutely undecided and is built up on the suggestions we will be getting from the audience. Nothing is pre planned.”

Gavin Methalaka is originally from Panjim and has been part of the Western classical theatre course at Kala Academy. “I lived here ten years ago and my parents are from Goa. I am excited to perform in front of the Goan audience and I have informed my friends to be there too,” says Gavin.

The excitement is catching up as these comedians have performed in other cities before. “I am excited about the city as everyone comes to Goa and they have an enjoyable experience here. We all have been to Goa before but it will be the first time we will be on stage. We hope to add the aspect of Goa to the show,” says Jahnavi.

“We have been receiving a positive feedback from all the promotions we have been doing on social media and we hope to translate this positive vibe into the show with a good turnout,” concludes Naveen about the hour-long laughter riot.

Mischief in Action presented by The Goan Comedy Club will be held on November 18, 2017 at The Crown, Panjim at 7:30pm. Tickets available at Hallmark Store, Panjim