
Santa Claus is coming to town. Is he?

Herald Team

Santa Claus is one of those delightful characters who come around Christmas to distribute gifts to children on Christmas Eve. He is still someone who is remembered with great fondness by men and women. In this day and age, children seemed more clued in and aware Santa Claus is a delightful legends. But perhaps the delightful romance and wonder of thinking Santa comes to each child’s home bearing gifts os quite there among slightly older kids. But the idea of Santa still ensures.

There is a tradition in the UK that Santa Claus will come down the chimney on Christmas night with gifts. I remember vividly my late dad telling me and my siblings to be ready near the chimney above the fireplace in our house in Leicester, England just before midnight. So we all would gather near the fireplace at midnight and obviously, Santa Claus came down the chimney and placed our presents around the Christmas tree. It was an unforgettable experience and we all would eagerly wait near the fireplace every Christmas night and our super Santa Claus would never disappoint us. We followed that tradition with our children and it’s always been the best bit of Christmas opening the presents around the fireplace and snow in the background. The idea of Santa Claus will never die as we share the joys of presents we received from him on Christmas day.

Marius Fernandes

I still remember as a 6-year-old girl my Papa telling me about the story of Santa Claus. I truly believed that he existed and is the one who gives gifts to many kids including me.

It is true that technology has brought many changes in our lives. But even today I tell my two-year-old niece about this Santa Claus story and give her gifts because receiving gifts can never go out of fashion. Even we as adults love to give each other gifts in the form of Secret Santa.”

Professor, Disha Mashelkar

I always believed in Santa from a very young age. I remember getting up on Christmas morning and running downstairs overly excited in hope that Santa has left me the perfect gift under the tree and filled my stocking. My grandpa used to always tell me out how he would visit in all the good children and stories of Lapland but by the time I was 11 that bubble had burst! The kids these days barely believe in anything due to easy access to the net and too much screen time. What is wonderful it so sees Christmas movies adapting to this and making Santa Claus easier to believe in by giving him hit tech sleigh and gadgets. As parents, we have to get more inventive with our stories and let Santa live on. But what is more important is that the Christmas spirit lives on!

Gigi Martin

When we hear the word Santa Claus, the first thing that comes to everyone’s mind is a jolly old bearded man, with a red robe and hat. It is believed that Santa comes to every household on the eve of Christmas and gives the gift to kids that have been good all year. I remember when I was a kid, my mother would warn me by telling me I would be on Santa’s “Naughty List”, for every time I threw a tantrum. But today’s kids are way advanced since they’re exposed to so much technology that gets their curious minds to explore their doubts and curiosities. As a grown-up, I’ve realised that Santa Claus is an excellent metaphor that represents good tidings, offers lessons of generosity, caring for others, and the joys of giving and receiving. All of which represent the true meaning of a Merry Christmas.

Minosha Coutinho

As young innocent children, we tend to believe Santa Claus stories and keep a huge sock under the pillow with a note of toys and chocolates and hoping for a lot of gifts.

When I was in playschool, my parents told me what Christmas is all about and I was so excited to receive my first gift from an old, white-bearded and all in red Santa Claus. The day I realised that Santa Claus is nothing but an imaginary man-made by Americans just to lighten up the occasion. And the gifts I received till then were all from my parents. And eventually, modern technology influenced this myth more. According to my, Christmas is now a day associated more with Santa Claus rather than sharing the happiness of the birth of Lord Jesus. And became a blessing for all –Rishina Gupte

The legend of Santa Claus can be traced back hundreds of years to a monk named St. Nicholas. Who had surprised a poor family by giving them gifts? Since then our parents also surprise us by giving gifts to us on Christmas and say they are from Santa Claus. Small children believe this very easily. I have seen my younger cousin’s sister getting excited about Santa Claus. Even in this time when technology and everything is so much changed. But small children still believe in Santa and Santa’s gifts.

Adrian Fernandes, Student

As a child growing up in the 80s in Bombay, the only 2 places you got to meet Santa was at the President Hotel or the Akbarally”s store and I just loved it. The child in me would love to believe that Santa is real, so even as an adult went to the Santa Village in Lapland, in Finland, and thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Kids today have too much exposure to too many things that I feel make them grow up a lot faster, hence maybe they stop believing in Santa a lot earlier. Their loss I say

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