
United in determination and musical harmony

Herald Team

If you did pay attention to the syllabus during the Goan history class in school, you would probably come across Dr Jack de Sequeira and his legacy. He was an extraordinary leader who united Goans irrespective of their class, caste and religion to oppose Goa’s merger with Maharashtra.

This important moment in Goan history cannot be contained within just a few pages in history books and in an effort to keep his legacy alive especially among the younger generation, many musicians and singers are releasing songs on Dr Jack de Sequeira on social media. These songs bring on a sense of patriotism and the need to preserve this unique Goan identity.

Known as Goa’s fastest composer, Dubai-based Edwin D’Costa has released an entire music album dedicated to Dr Jack Sequeira in 2018 titled ‘Dr Jack Sequeira- Father of Opinion Poll’. He also performed a song as Dubai Trio along with Anthony de Nuvem and Manuxin. While performing this song in the Gulf, they were called back on stage for an encore nearly three times.

While his songs clearly speaks about Dr Jack’s achievements and strengths, it also highlights how Goans are forgetting his legacy. “We need more songs because those who stay in Goa must know who gave us this freedom, who protected our Goa. As I said in my songs, every village must have a Dr Jack Sequeira monument. Statutes must be there even on sea ports, airports and more importantly in schools and colleges. A lesson has to be in the syllabus. Our future generation has to follow him and I pray at least one youth will become like Dr Jack Sequeira and fight like him against corruption,” says Edwin

Noted Goan singer and songwriter, Sigmund de Souza from Panjim sang his original song ‘Niz Put Goencho’ at the Birth Centenary of Dr Jack de Sequeira at Campal Garden, Panjim, on April 19, 2015. He had just a night to compose and get ready to sing the song to a live audience.

Sigmund de Souza, who has written, composed and sung the song, says, “I grew up in a politically aware family and my parents were very patriotic about their Goan roots. Two of my maternal uncles from Aldona, Guillermo and Ricardo Conceicao were actively involved in the anti-merger campaign. I wanted to compose a song with the right details and so I spent time with Dr Jack’s daughters, Margo and Dr Lily.”

He further says that though one cannot understate the efforts of Dr Jack Sequeira, there were political stalwarts that brought the movement together. “Dr Jack was the face of the political movement but there were Goans who united across religions. Some of them include Dr Manohar Rai Sardesai and Ulhas Buyao and Teotonio Pereira, who was then a MLA from Agassaim. They all provided strong support system for Dr Jack,” adds Sigmund.

Popular guitarist for several well known bands in Goa, Chris Correia has been composing music for many Konkani singers from his studio, Magic Touch Studios in Margao for 24 years. “Most of the singers bring their own Lyrics and have a vague tune in their mind. I add an intro and arrange the music according to which musical instruments will go well with it. I have composed music for senior singers as well as youngsters who have been singing songs dedicated to Dr Jack Sequeira. These songs reach out to different audiences. While the older generation talks about the Opinion Poll and it’s history, the younger generation focuses on preserving their Goan identity. They bring in different perspectives,” explains Chris.

US-based Jose Palmeira better known as Club Palmeira has produced and composed three songs dedicated to Dr Jack Sequeira besides many more songs on different themes. His songs garner views from Goans across the globe who connect to its message. ‘Noman Dotor Jack De Sequeirak’ sung by Pierson D’Costa was released in January 2022 followed by ‘Dr Jack Sequeira (Father of Opinion Poll) with singers Joe De Areal and Sandy Fernandes, which was released in April 2023 and more recently, ‘Ambellim Putlo Jack Sequeiracho’ which was sung by Jennifer Fernando on December 11, 2023.

“I have released three songs on Dr Jack de Sequeira, whom I consider my saviour of my Goanness and my identity. In all my videos on social media too, first thing I do is to take this great man’s name and it’s my mission to see his statue come up in the Assembly Complex, the place his deserves. And we as a Goans failed to give him that place. That’s my dream and will be my mission once I get back to Goa,” says Club Palmeira.

An accomplished composer and actor, Joe De Areal, says, “Some people don’t know about Dr Jack and his struggle. We are trying to give that knowledge through music. It is because of him that we are enjoying the true identity of Goa, otherwise we would be a part of Maharashtra.”

Jennifer Fernando says, “By preserving his memory and encouraging young people to learn about his efforts, singing about Jack de Sequeira can help the next generation. It may be a means of introducing young people to social issues, history, and culture. In addition, music has a strong emotional resonance and conversation-starting ability. It’s a powerful and imaginative approach to tell tales and encourage change. Since singing, music, and other extracurricular activities are more appealing to young people, it is important to raise awareness of the wonderful people who have given their all for us but have departed from this life.”

Through his song, ‘Dr Jack De Sequiera - The Father Of the Opinion Poll’, Xavier De Almeida shared the screen with Dr Jack Sequeira’s three daughters and grandson at Dr Jack’s home in Campal. “The song is composed by Santan Viegas and I performed the very same song on stage for Comedian Agostinho’s tiatr, almost 15 years back. Every detail of the song shows the leadership of Dr Jack and motivates the young to keep this identity intact.”

Xavier from Talegao loves singing Konkani songs on the stage. After his retirement from his job in the hospitality industry, he makes it a point to release songs at least online. “Dr Jack’s leadership was very important and he held meetings throughout Goa and I salute the Xattikars for supporting the cause in a big number,” says Xavier, who will be releasing a new song on a different theme next month.

The Opinion Poll victory gave Goa an identity but Goans should take on the responsibility to save Goa as it is for future generations.