
Blind faith harming society

Herald Team

More than 120 people were killed last week, including women and children, after a deadly stampede at a 'satsang' (religious gathering) in Uttar Pradesh's Hathras.

The State government has ordered a probe into the incident and dispatched three ministers to reach the spot and monitor relief work. The satsang was organised by the Manav Mangal Milan Sadbhavna Samagam Committee for self-styled godman Narayan Sakar Hari, also known as Sakar Vishwa Hari or Bhole Baba.

He is supposed to have served in UP police and left the job for spiritual activities. The police are on the lookout for Bhole Baba, who has not been found after the stampede incident.

The self-styled godman reacted to the deadly stampede during his 'satsang' in which he claimed that the chaos erupted a long time after he had already left the venue. The godman also blamed anti-social elements for causing the stampede, which resulted in the loss of lives.

But these statements ring hollow as those who died, were attending his event and instead of helping the victims, he chose to run away from the scene, like any person guilty of wrongdoing does.

The tragedy once again underscores the fact that the vice of superstition, blind faith, illiteracy and gullible nature of the village simpletons is deep-rooted in our society.

These shortcomings are highly exploited by the religious rogues without any compunction in outright exploitation of our hapless villagers or those living in countryside. Rationalists like Dr Narayan Dabholkar, who tried to remove these social ills, specially superstition, have laid down their lives, fighting against blind faith, but there is no sign of social awakening.

The question then arises, why do people continue to place their trust in such dubious characters despite ample evidence of their deception?

One explanation lies in the human tendency for seeking solace and direction in life during the period of uncertainty and instability. When confronted with life’s complexities, many turn to religion and spirituality for guidance and reassurance. This may be for getting out of poverty, illness, married issues and various other social miseries. Ironically this blind faith is not confined to poor, illiterate or semi-literate classes only.

Such bind faith is exhibited by all sections of people, viz. politicians, bureaucrats, well to do families as each person some has favour some to ask from such godmen. In such contexts, individuals are more susceptible to manipulation by those who exploit their ignorance and desperation for personal gain.

However, this quest for enlightenment can many a times mislead the followers, as they fall victim to the false narratives and assurances that promise solutions to their problems.

It is up to the society to address these underlying issues through education and empowerment initiatives, equipping individuals with the tools they need to discern truth from falsehood and resist the influence of falsehoods.

In the case of Hathras everything seems to have started in wrong foot. Over 2,5 lacs people gathered as opposed the sanction of 80k, which was also not a mean number. Internal control of the event was left to the Satsang organisers.

Outer control seemed to have rested with the administration. Such massive overcrowding had single point entry/exit that too was blocked by recklessly parked motorbikes. It was worsened by rain and the place became an ideal condition to face this crushing truth.

As it was evident in Hathras, clambering for grabbing soil from where the God man walked, a momentary craze, that seemed to have started the stampedes, a pattern that repeats itself, in every such occasion.

After the incident, though investigation has been initiated, but these probes rarely show accountability or action taken. It is evident from the fact that this godman Bhole Baba remains away from reach of law.

After a few months the issue will be forgotten. The authorities responsible, both politicians and bureaucrats, neither raise the issues again nor ensure the issues are fully resolved and not repeated.

Lessons learnt from such investigations must become law and implemented in toto, must have legal sanction. Everyone including the so called religious teachers must not be spared. For any kind congregation to be organised, all requirement along with hiring permission, shall be placed to the administration.

All must follow one rule. Raising personal security by any organisation must be completely prohibited as they have no accountability and viviolatcommon laws while dealing with public.

Truth is there are well-established measures recommended for large events to minimize the chances of a crush, of humans in frenzy and panic. Administrations, when granting approvals must ensure adherence to the venue lay-out, exits and entrances are not blocked, there are number of exits and entrances, well planned and specious without any obstruction.

Bigger the congregation more elaborate shall be the preparation, that there is a control room, live surveillance of crowed movement, PA system and crowed density management system. All control must be at the hand of administration.

Life once lost is the end of it. There is no idea of carrying out investigations after the lives are lost.

There is also need to support scientific temper in the society, instead of supporting superstition and quackery.