
Letter to the editor (04 April 2024)

Herald Team

Heatwave due to global warming, El Nino

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has forecast a harsh and arid summer over a majority of regions of the country during April-June, with a high probability of heatwave episodes lasting as long as 10 to 20 days during the period. The Goa Met department on Tuesday said that the state may experience heat wave conditions till April 8. 

Owing to the extreme weather condition, the government has issued an advisory. The combined impact of global warming and ongoing El Nino conditions in the equatorial Pacific Ocean has reportedly started showing heightened temperatures across many regions of the northern hemisphere, including south India. The El Nino condition is the abnormal warming of the sea surface recorded along the Pacific Ocean. These conditions are known to suppress rainfall over India and increase temperatures, globally. For India, El Nino is often linked to weakened Monsoon winds and dry weather, potentially resulting in reduced rainfall during the monsoon season.  Severe drought and associated food insecurity, flooding, rains, and temperature rise is causing a wide range of health problems, including disease outbreaks, malnutrition, heat stress and respiratory diseases. It is learnt that in India and Australia, it can bring about drought conditions. The prospect of a Super El Nino raises concerns about disrupting typical weather patterns in India, leading to unusual and extreme weather conditions. Necessary precautions need to be taken to beat the extreme heat during these days.

Adelmo Fernandes, Vasco

Goa turning into a lawless state

Leave alone Goans, I think even if visitors read the daily news on Goa it would give an impression  that Goa is a lawless state!  

Sound Pollution on despite court orders, cutting heritage trees without permissions under local MLA(s) patronage, High rate of traffic fatalities, massive destruction of the environment, sewage into water bodies, encroachments, illegal settlements, green land, fields etc being converted to settlements without any proper justification/public education or participation.  Small Goa  has the highest number of CRZ violations in the country! 

And while all this is going on, our politicians are busy using taxpayers money to "publicize" what a great job they are doing and how Goans are progressing, despite various indicators showing the opposite i.e. high unemployment, out-migration etc.

Goa seems to be more run by some "Mafia" groups in various parts of Goa. These mafia groups  are allowed to loot, plunder and participate in high corruption with full patronage! Yes corruption was there in the erstwhile Congress rule but this has gone to a much worse with the current BJP party openly embracing corrupt/criminal politicians from anywhere and everywhere! 

Arwin Mesquita, Colva

Charity should begin at home

Recently, Prime Minister Modi made a two -day visit to Bhutan where he inaugurated a multi -specialty hospital for women and children in Thimbu constructed with Indian aid of thousands of crores of Rupees. Further, he also assured another Rs 10,000 crore aid to Bhutan.

Contrary to the generosity he showed to another country with Indian tax- payers' money, he refused to grant even a single rupee to the people of Tamil Nadu when they incurred colossal losses on account of repeated floods that devastated their livelihood beyond retribution. Moreover, though the ground -breaking ceremony for an AIIMS at Madurai was performed by PM Modi as early as 2019, no development has taken place for the creation of the institution till date, while sever other AIIMS units planned at the same time in 2019 have already been built and are in operation now, of course in the BJP ruled- states! 

Hence, will it be too much if one feels that the Prime Minister has granted such huge aids to another country at the cost of his own people who are in perennial grief and distress, only to boost his self- image?  Doesn't it remind us of a saying, 'When one had no intention to buy even a cotton saree for his wife, but he rushed to buy a silk saree for his neighbour lady!'

Charity begins at home, PM sir! 

Tharcius S. Fernando, Chennai

Curb chain snatching thefts in State

Amid a surge in chain snatching cases on Goan roads, the State Government ought to beef up the security to safeguard the interests of the local populace. However, since this issue poses a great challenge to women, they should be alert or have quick presence of mind, while travelling on roads, especially during the evening or night hours. Moreover, they should also avoid travelling on lonely paths. Incase of any theft, the vehicle number should be noted immediately, which can prove beneficial in identifying the thief or his whereabouts.

Furthermore, another way to corner this issue is that, women can travel in groups, or by public transport. Subsequently, a thorough probe should also be done by the authorities concerned on the influx of migrants from the neighbouring states. 

A concrete solution is the need of the hour!

Joseph Savio Desouza, Candolim