
Letter to the editor (16 May 2024)

Herald Team

Respect law in letter and spirit

It is sad to know that a huge illegal hoarding in Mumbai collapsed during a storm on some people causing many deaths and injuries. The typical blame game and action being taken by the authorities concerned will be investigated and guilty will be punished, all other hoardings will be checked for illegalities and so on!

 Questions being asked by the media and people at large: “Why was this permitted to come up? Why were the authorities silent? Is there no SOP in force for sanction?”

 No one will eventually be held responsible or some scapegoat found! Like in Goa, laws and rules exist on paper to be applied selectively if at all.  We see hoardings and banners put up everywhere by the political parties and commercial interests. Illegally along the highways and traffic islands, many times covering the sine ages! The matter has even gone to the High court and some action was thereafter taken. Until there is some calamity, victims may be compensated and matter goes back to square one. We need a law respecting and accountable governments where prevention is better than cure and people’s safety and wellbeing are priority!

John Eric Gomes, Porvorim

Political discourse stoops too low!

As the election proceeds apace, (another 4 phases to go) all the good, bad and the ugly seems to be coming out, in fact, more of the latter two. Mr Pitroda’s remarks are no doubt insensitive but they are a reflection of us as a society where a person of fairer complexion is preferred in the marriage market, or even in jobs and elsewhere. Other remarks such as infiltrators, and family size are other irrelevant for the common man who faces unemployment, lack of basic needs and at the end of the day, cannot get affordable roti, kapda and makaan. 

The level of the political debate has fallen to its nadir as politicians indulge in a tu-tu-main main sort of debate, and some of which filters into our news shows at night. All this has been described as the festival of democracy. In less than a month, we will know who wins. It is hoped that the winners remember whom they ultimately serve.

As the late PM Indira Gandhi once said, “You cannot change a country without a little mud on your hands.” That holds true for our representatives in local self-government, state assemblies and parliament.

Brian D’Souza, Margao

AI best in medical diagnosis

It is learnt that the Goa government has reportedly announced that AI-powered lung cancer screening tools will soon be accessible across Primary Health Centers (PHCs) and district hospitals in the state. Artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare plays a pivotal role in combating many fatal diseases, such as skin, breast, and lung cancer. 

Cancer is a lethal disease and is difficult to be diagnosed in the early stages. From X-Rays of whole organs to microscope pictures of cancer cells, doctors use imaging tests in many ways. One of which is finding cancer at its earliest stages, determining the stage of a tumour, how fast it is growing, seeing if treatment is working, and monitoring whether cancer has returned after treatment. 

This information can help doctors choose the most appropriate treatment for their patients. Over the past several years, researchers have developed AI tools that have the potential to make cancer imaging faster, more accurate, and even more informative.  

According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), AI can “see” things that we humans can’t and can find complex patterns and relationships between different data. Experts think that AI is in a better position to distinguish lung cancer from noncancerous changes on CT scans, potentially cutting the possibility of wrong diagnosis and sparing people from unneeded stress, follow-up tests, and procedures. In Goa AI-powered screening needs to be extended to breast and skin cancer as well, besides lung cancer.

Adelmo Fernandes, Vasco

Excellent analysis on human behaviour

This is reference to article on O Heraldo Goa titled ‘Invisible Forces of Mind’ on 14 May 2024. The writer Joseph has penned down a great in-depth analysis on human behaviour and its impact in the wider society. It is worth noting and acknowledging that our thoughts and perceptions of reality form a part of a ‘broader cycle of habitual behaviors’ that not only influence how we act, but also determine how we move about in our discourses in day to day life - whether it be good or bad. 

Therefore, it is imperative that we be mindful of our behavior and adopt rational thinking in dealing with situations that we come across in our lives. If we can follow the above two steps, we could pave the way for a better society and a better reality.

Bryce D’Souza, Sharjah

Implement alcometer test for KTC drivers

The Kadamba Transport Corporation (KTC) should ensure the safety and welfare of their passengers by addressing the issue of drunk-driving of its workforce. Drunk-driving amounts to loss of reputation and it is best that no one drinks while on the job.  

Mandate alcohol checks for drivers before they begin their scheduled shifts at all KTC bus stands in state. The city roads are already notorious for accidents. The tests should be carried out at depots before the buses are handed over to the drivers and conductors at control points, at night accommodations and at designated points where drivers are on night duty. 

Regular training sessions of drivers and conductors is necessary to ensure best possible services and also to ensure a safe transport services.

K G Vilop, Chorao