
Digital Fame or Privacy Shame?

Herald Team

Recently, a video surfaced on social media that has sparked deep concern. In this video, a man, supposedly from South Goa, publicly exposes his wife for an alleged extramarital affair, showing her with another man. He goes on to reveal that they have two children who are being neglected as a result of the affair. 

Shockingly, this video, shared by a so-called Digital Creator, has been shared by 394 people and liked by 2.6k people, revealing a disturbing mindset among those who engage with and propagate such content. Instead of questioning the ethics of sharing such personal and damaging information, many users appear to support and amplify it.

The allure of fame and social media mileage drives many to share these sensitive videos. Digital Creators, as they call themselves, are constantly in pursuit of more views, likes, and followers. Their content, however, often lacks the necessary ethical considerations for the profound impact it can have on people’s lives. 

Sensationalism and controversy become tools of survival in the competitive world of online content creation. The creators focus more on the virality of their content rather than the privacy and dignity of the individuals involved and in this relentless pursuit of digital fame, the ethical implications of such actions are often overlooked.

In addition to Digital Creators, there are self-proclaimed activists every nook and corner of Goa, who share these videos without verifying the authenticity of the news. 

Many of these activists are also based abroad and, despite their good intentions, can cause more harm than good. They believe they are shedding light on important issues, but their lack of due diligence can lead to the spread of misinformation, further exacerbating the harm to those involved.

Privacy is a fundamental human right, yet in the quest for digital fame, this right is frequently trampled upon. The viral video not only exposes intimate details of a couple’s private life but also subjects their children to public scrutiny. 

The children, who are innocent and vulnerable, are thrust into the spotlight, potentially facing bullying, stigma, and psychological distress as they grow up. The trauma and humiliation inflicted on these children can have long-lasting effects, impacting their mental health and social relationships.

Once a video is uploaded on the internet, it can be nearly impossible to erase completely. Even if the original post is deleted, copies may continue to circulate across various platforms. This persistent digital footprint can haunt the individuals involved for years. In the case of the exposed affair, the children's future is jeopardised by a video they had no control over. The video’s existence on the internet serves as a constant reminder of the incident, potentially resurfacing at any time and reopening old wounds.

Public exposure of personal conflicts severely hinders any chance of reconciliation. The shame and scrutiny that follow make it almost impossible for the couple to address their issues privately and move forward.

Instead of healing, the public nature of the accusation breeds further discord and resentment. The presence of such videos can exacerbate the emotional and psychological strain on the individuals involved, making reconciliation an insurmountable challenge.

The rise of unethical digital creation is troubling. Many Digital Creators prioritize views, likes, and shares over ethical considerations. They often disregard the damage their content can cause to real people, focusing solely on their own online survival. This behaviour underscores the need for a stronger ethical framework and accountability in digital content creation. It is essential for Digital Creators to understand the power they wield and the responsibility that comes with it. Content creation should not come at the expense of others' privacy and dignity.

Social media platforms bear a significant responsibility in this issue. They must act swiftly to remove content that violates privacy and implement measures to prevent such videos from spreading. Enhanced algorithms to detect and flag harmful content, along with clear reporting channels for users, are essential. Education on digital ethics and responsible content sharing is also crucial. Platforms should invest in technologies that can identify and remove such content promptly, preventing it from going viral and causing further harm.

While social media platforms have a role to play, legal authorities must also step up their efforts to protect individuals’ privacy. Laws against cyber harassment, revenge porn, and unauthorized sharing of intimate content need to be enforced rigorously. Individuals who create and share such harmful content should be held accountable for their actions. Legal consequences can serve as a deterrent, emphasizing the seriousness of privacy violations.

The emotional toll on victims of such privacy breaches is immense. The constant fear of the video resurfacing, the shame, and the judgment from society can lead to severe mental health issues. Victims may suffer from anxiety, depression, and a sense of helplessness. The lack of control over their own narrative can be debilitating. It is crucial for society to offer support and understanding to these victims, helping them navigate the trauma and rebuild their lives.

It is time for all of us to reflect on our actions and change for the better. Empathy and respect should be at the forefront of our digital interactions. Before sharing any content, we must consider its impact on the individuals involved. Sensationalism and fame should never take precedence over someone’s dignity and privacy. By fostering a culture of empathy and respect, we can create a safer and more compassionate online environment.

The circulation of sensitive videos for fame and mileage by Digital Creators and self-proclaimed activists is a growing menace. The lasting digital footprint and the potential harm to reconciliation and mental health, especially for children, cannot be ignored. It is imperative for individuals, social media platforms, and legal authorities to work together to protect privacy rights and ensure that the internet remains a safe space for all users. Respecting privacy and handling conflicts with dignity and sensitivity is essential for fostering a more compassionate and just society. Digital Creators and activists must embrace ethics and responsibility, recognizing the profound impact their content can have on the lives of others. It is time for all of us to reflect on our actions and change for the better, putting empathy and respect at the forefront of our digital interactions.

Peter F Borges is an Assistant Professor of Social Work at the D D Kosambi School of Social Sciences and Behavioural Studies and has served as the Hon'ble Chairperson of the Goa State Commission for Protection of Child Rights and is the Founder of the youth-focused organization, Human Touch Foundation