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Goa has a gold mine!

Herald Team

Solar energy is fast gaining a greater share in power generation. Its auction price has dipped below Rs 2 per unit and is a much cleaner fuel than fossils or thermal ones.

It is also a prerequisite for green Hydrogen which is making quick strides and is now included in the RPO   renewable purchase obligation which makes it mandatory for ‘discoms’, captive power users etc, to compulsorily procure a portion of their requirements from this.

Goa is sitting on a gold mine: the vast exhausted iron ore pits. Solar panel farms can be set up in the same way to afford cheaper and cleaner fuel to the inhabitants. This in turn can reduce the ever-increasing air and water pollution which has claimed 1300 plus Goans in 2019. Even if the pits have water at the bottom, floating solar panels can be fitted.

So, do we rush into the same? Not yet: we need to be aware that with the life span of the solar panels averaging 20 years, the same become non-recyclable. They contain cadmium and lead and also the greenhouse emissions such as nitrogen trifluoride and sulphur hexafluoride. The easiest disposal method is via landfills; which will contaminate the underground water. Will Goa’s mining pits be used as landfills for the scrap panels? Tonnes of solar panels installed in 2000 are nearing their end and countries will look to dispose of them in 3rd world countries.

Some companies in Europe and the US have developed better means of recovery of these pollutants for reuse or disposal: but, in India, will the easier option of landfill be the first choice?

In the West, solar companies are made responsible for the disposal after their useful life with only a marginal increase in cost. India is fast tracking solar farms with no such clause in the solar panel purchase. 

The increase in solar power generation is a must, but not at any expense. Wrong policies adopted just to show a rapid solar growth is counter productive.

The Government has initiated a subsidy for solar power generation: local State govts such as Punjab, have a fixed cost of Rs 20000 per KW making it quite economical for home owners and gated colonies. What will the same cost be in Goa? Note that, the moment subsidy and off grid power generation and purchase was declared, then the cost of solar equipment rose sharply. The empanelled solar service providers would now have to ‘pay’ for their empanelment more than the Service charges. Homeowners now actually have to pay more than before the subsidy. What use if the return on investment comes in 13 years for homeowners?

All the Industrial Estates have land leased out to the manufacturing units. Such land can be used for ground level solar plants. However, one must note that the land is leased by the Government for manufacturing of the licensed product: not power generation and hence the leased rates must be increased accordingly.

In other States, where corruption is also rampant, we notice one thing: they favour the locals. In Goa, it is just the opposite: they favour outsiders.