People Edit

Infrastructure to cope in emergencies

Herald Team

Accidents, accidents and more, it’s a never ending perennial ghastly episode inflicting Goa, which it has to grapple with very often. Deadly accidents have afflicted Goa, and it’s high time we take stock of the situation. In the past few days several innocent lives were snuffed out. A car should be driven in a sober and cautious manner. All the time anticipating and sensing danger which lurks around one should be ready to slow down and bring the vehicle to an absolute halt. Such mental soundness and alert vigilance is required by drivers and the hapless injured victims.

I have witnessed folks indulge in driving with such breakneck speeds even in by lanes and highways exceeding the permissible speed limits. There are speed limits displayed on most streets which must be adhered to, failing which one can be imposed a hefty fine.

Daredevilry is not meant to be played out in domestic day-to-day living, but should be banished from our midst, only to be lodged or screened in movies and cinemas.

Speed thrills, but also kills, not at the costs of one’s life and that of others.  One has to inculcate safer sober habits while sitting and taking charge of the steering wheel with a good hand, eye and feet coordination to reach safely to one’s destination rather than landing in hospitals. Our roads cannot cater to the burgeoning traffic, cattle, pedestrians, carts, etc.

PWD should widen roads by reclaiming available land and get them tarred fully, without leaving unfinished ones and by filling all potholes. Bottleneck roads should be broadened and all obstacles or the odd impotent poles not in service should be removed. Pavements should be exclusively meant for pedestrians not hawkers, vendors selling wares by occupying precious walking spaces.

It’s a dynamic situation wherein all players race to meet their timings, and reach destinations through a maze of obstacles they have to daily encounter through high density vehicular traffic.

Some of the Portuguese era roads have not witnessed modernisation in any way like broadening and world class asphalting. There should be proper regulation in place to regulate all and sundry from cattle, vehicles, pedestrians, heavy vehicles, service vehicle like JCB, concrete dispensers, food carts, rag pickers on tricycle, two wheelers, ambulances, etc, who require the right of way and access to ply on roads.

There should be checks on speed and mode of driving of some rental car drivers who move around and involve in rash driving, sometimes with stunts like popping heads through the solar rooftops of their cars, or even keeping doors open.

Very often wedding cars are seen involved in a photo shoot on busy roads which should be banned. Ambulances should have inbuilt casualties, with full-fledged hospital facilities to cater to the injured, treatments should be readily available without wastage of time. An ambulance should be equipped with CPR, X-Ray and blood group testing machines.

Police should be proactive and vigilant at all times. There should be absolute discipline around schools, children should enter and exit premises in an orderly manner. Sometimes an individual tends to take law into his/her hands by settling scores right at the accident site, blocking all vehicles. This is unethical and one should refrain from dealing in a violent manner.