Wars are nothing but killing fields

Walwyn D' Souza

It has been a long-long time since the last two world wars. And that is but history. Most of today’s generation had not seen nor witnessed those wars due to lack of either TVs or the different media reporting the way we are able to see them.

The scars of those two, World War-1 from 1914 to 1918 and World War –II from 1939 to 1945 when atomic bombs had shattered the lives of people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki of Japan are still haunting mankind. The massacre of millions of Jews too has its own embedded history. Ultimately, The League of Nations was its outcome when fifty plus countries took part in a dialogue and diplomacy which prevailed and at last in 1945 that body became the United Nations.

The UN was formed to bring global security and peace. Over the period, the UN grew in numbers and became very vocal whenever and wherever conflicts erupted in different regions of the globe. It had its own sanctity and stumping authority over the troubled nations.

But ever since then, the world has changed so much, many nations growing from strength to strength, so too, many new governments were formed and some collapsed. Till date, many changes took place all across the different continents. Those nations who braved hard decisions subsequently became rich. But those whose rulers/governance was tweaked and possessed total power, the power that went into their heads, turned poor and still reeling under poverty.

But overall sheer good governance played its important role to enrich their subjects which brought peace and prosperity to their people.

Most of the time, diplomacy prevailed and peace was restored by the UN to many countries that were embroiled in conflicts of their own making. The only weapon that was in use was dialogue and diplomacy.

But sadly, the world today has been spinning too fast which has been reporting several conflicts that are threatening the very existence of some of the nations on the planet. Presently, we are watching two wars that have been dangerously threatening world peace. First, the war between Russia and Ukraine in Europe and secondly the war between Israel and Palestine/Iran through their proxies namely Hamas and Hezbollha in the Middle East.

There are also many other conflicts that are dangerously poised to bring misery to their people. Eg, a war which is being fought in Africa and other parts of the world where people are left to fend for themselves and thus poverty and misery is threatening their very survival. Watching all these conflicts via the news channels of different broadcasters is sending a grim reminder of what is happening around in this queer world. It’s a fact that humanity is the sole loser in the game. Irrespective of past history of those conflicts, the way the Hamas planned their 7th October 2023 attacks on innocent Israelites, the very next day the unimaginable revenge was set in motion by the Israeli retaliation; the buzz word of the time was set in motion then. The world may have its own version of reasoning, be it for or against, but today after the first anniversary on 7th Oct 2024 the overall loser is humanity.

The UN has been seen as very irrelevant though it made frequent calls for ceasefire but all in vain.

Today, all that we witness is nothing but the killing fields in the name of settling scores against each other. The world seems to have lost its directions altogether and also have lost the leadership race in bringing peace to the regions. Instead, the leaders are cobbling together only to help themselves and cling to power by hook or crook. As we know that total power into one man’s head makes him blind to see the ground reality.

The power hungry leaders have often demonstrated how their hungry thoughts and ruthless actions have brought misery unto their subjects most of whom are just innocent souls and suffering due to someone else’s madness.

By the way, why should the innocent people sacrifice at the altar of peace? Are we to believe that the United Nations today has become redundant? If so, it is the powers of the most corrupt nations that are responsible for these man-made tragedies which have made the UN a laughing stock in the face of the world. Humanity is at its lowest ebb in these countries where fighting rages and innocent lives have been lost just because of a few heads of states who are masterminding the whole bloody wars.

There is a limit to all types of fighting; there are also limits to each and every actions and reactions that are being unleashed on each other. But how can we justify the conflict when humanity has been at its receiving end? How can humanity bear the brunt of such magnitude in today’s world when dialogue and diplomacy is available at one’s doorstep? There has to be an external force on these warring nations to stop those killing fields and bring in peace immediately.

With the world making such a vast progress in technologies that benefit the nations at large; there should have been no place for fighting wars at all on such a scale which brings nothing but total destruction. And in the bargain those power hungry leaders are messing up with humanity. And that in itself is a tragedy. May peace and humanity return back to these war-torn countries at the earliest I pray!