Citizen Herald

Banastarim locals inconvenienced due to lethargic approach of PWD staff

Herald Team

The PWD office at Banastarim  is replacing non functioning meters and the job to do so has been sublet to a contractor. 

While the meters are replaced, the details are not sent on time to the revenue cell at St Inez. As a result, the details  are fed after three months. 

The consumers  then receive huge bills which are difficult for the common man to pay given their limited resources.

When this matter was brought to the notice of the Revenue Cell staff, they admitted their fault and stated that the Assistant Engineer at Inez was not available to the public.

 Also the issue of change of name and new water connections are delayed by the staff here for reasons best known to them and consumers are made to visit the office on several occasions.  

The Revenue Cell at St Inez aslo refuses to accept any application for correction of bills without any authority letter. 

The concerned authorities need to look into this at the earliest to avoid  inconvenience to the public. Remember that the PWD is duty bound to serve the public in particular and the tax-payer in general.