

Herald Team

It was on January 16, 1967, that Goans voted against merging with Maharashtra and chose to remain a Union Territory. As Goa celebrates its 56th ‘Asmitai Dis’ (Identity Day) or Opinion Poll Day, Herald spoke to some eminent Goans and sought to know whether Goa has managed to strengthen and preserve its culture, identity and uniqueness

Goa doesn’t seem to be Goan anymore

To me, as a Goan, Opinion Poll is history now, because Goa doesn’t seem to be Goan anymore. Our culture and language are dying because of the mass migration of Goans to other parts of the world. The geographical boundary will remain till prosperity. Goans fought hard but lands today are not with Goans. Presently, people are from the second generation, but it will be difficult to find third-generation Goans in the future, it will be like Bombay where people from different parts have settled down

Adv Zilman Coelho Pereira, Former Advocate General

There has been a disturbance in culture and identity

An Opinion Poll was held in Goa to find out whether people wanted a separate State or to merge with Maharashtra. But the people of Goa decided that Goa should be a Goa and its culture which had developed uniformly after 450 years of Portuguese rule should be maintained in the larger interest. Today, there has been a disturbance in culture and identity because of various immigrants settling in Goa from various parts of India. This has disturbed the original identity. Still, Goa goes on its own because of the Uniform Civil Law applicable to all Goans. Uniformity of law preserves the integrity and equality of every subject which is subject to the Uniform Civil Code. There may be some skirmishes and weaknesses in the course of years because of vote banks which have been created by immigrants and preserved by politicians

Adv Surendra Desai, Senior Advocate, Panjim

Unplanned development for greed of money is the order of the day.

I am happy with the results of the Opinion Poll. We had high hopes. It was fought to retain Goa’s identity and preserve it.  But unplanned development for the greed of money is the order of the day. Today the money issue has been more politicised. Most political parties are more into drama than for people’s sake and I hope that the people of Goa will realise it sooner or later. The culture of Goa has not remained the same, it is diluted. I am not particular about it, we all Indians are one. But what our politicians have done for this State, the people of Goa still have not opened their eyes

Adv Joseph Vaz, Panjim 

Every election is an Opinion Poll and we Goans have missed the bus

We won the Opinion Poll by the skin of our teeth you can say. Nevertheless, it was accepted by the people of Goa and the Central government. For me, every election is Opinion Poll and I feel we Goans have missed the bus. When elections come we are making mistakes

Christopher Fonseca, General Secretary, AITUC

We have been successful in keeping the unique identity of Goa across the World

It was a referendum initiated by the Government of India to decide whether the people of Goa want a separate Union Territory or to merge with Maharashtra. I am happy that we are successful in maintaining the uniqueness of Goa, its culture, and the friendliness and behaviour of the people. There has been little dilution as time goes by. But still, we have been successful in keeping the unique identity of Goa across the world

Dr Shekhar Salkar, Oncologist

Those who occupied positions of power were never seen in the Opinion Poll movement

The significance was that after 3,000 years for the first time, Goans got an opportunity for self-rule. We won the Opinion Poll and Legislative Assembly and Union Territory continued. Because the Assembly continued we could pass the Official Language Act that gave us cultural identity and we attained statehood within four months.
Today successive governments have failed us and it has become difficult to make Goa a model State. One of the reasons is that those who occupied positions of power were never seen in the Opinion Poll movement and do not know the objectives behind the Opinion Poll victory.

Uday Bhembre, Author, Former MLA, Margao

We have not been able to preserve our culture

The people of Goa voted against the merger and the State continued as Union Territory till we attained Statehood after Konkani was made an Official Language. I don’t think we have been able to preserve our culture, though Goa has an amalgamation of Portuguese and Goan culture. But Goa has maintained communal harmony and age-old religious amity

Adelmo Fernandes, Citizen Journalist, Vasco  

Those who have migrated from Goa should return to their land

January 16 is an important day for Goa because Goans decided against the merger and retained Goa’s identity and culture. By and large, Goans do not want to be entrepreneurs and many do not want to work and want government service. This attitude has to change. Those who have migrated from Goa should return to their land, start their own businesses and provide employment to locals. This will definitely preserve Goa’s unique cultural identity  

Adv Pundalik Raiker, Taleigao

Goa is yet to tell its beautiful story to the world

Goans have always been a mirror to the country at large showcasing how diverse people and religions can live together amicably and how they can keep exchanging cultures amidst the same. We as Goans have a task at hand to preserve this identity while also telling the world that Goa isn’t just about sea and sand. Goa is yet to tell its beautiful story to the world. Let’s work to do that

- Anwesha Singbal, PresidentKonkani Bhasha Mandal

Over-emphasis on tourism for revenue generation has destroyed Goa’s uniqueness

The Opinion Poll helped the State to safeguard geographic separation which helped the State maintain its identity. Konkani language got recognition. It is the people who retain their culture. But the over-emphasis on tourism for revenue generation has destroyed its uniqueness. To a large extent, the diversity of Goa is under attack

- Adv Cleofato Almeida Coutinho, Senior Advocate

Mhadei diversion has to be stopped and we have to bury differences to come together

Today’s burning issue of Mhadei diversion water has to be resolved to save Goa the way our earlier population saved Goa. We have to bury our differences and have to come together to save Goa and that is the best remembrance of the Opening Poll. Let us take an oath that at any cost we will keep our identity as it is

- Prakash Velip, Former MLA and UTTA President

 We need to preserve Goa’s natural environment and our hospitable, secular lifestyle

Whether Goa or any other region, the traditional culture will be always under challenge due to communications technology, liberalisation, migration and immigration. As economic pursuits change, culture will change. It just can't remain static. What we need to preserve is Goa’s natural environment and our liberal, hospitable and secular lifestyle. It is enough that if we preserve it, we can't strengthen it

- Prabhakar Timble, Writer and Columnist

Unplanned tourism, political mess, and heavy corruption have badly affected Goa

Years ago our leaders worked hard to keep the identity of Goa alive. It was a fight against mighty Maharashtra and its tall leaders. Over the years, we failed to maintain our identity. The influx of migrants has damaged Goa’s cultural foundation. Unplanned tourism, political mess, and heavy corruption have badly affected the State’s socio-cultural environment.

- Anant Agni, Writer, Headmaster of Ravindra Kelekar Dnyanmandir

We’ve voted for people who along with defectors have destroyed Goa’s demography, culture, identity

Goans voted to win the historic Opinion Poll but we have voted for people who along with defectors have destroyed and ruined the demography, culture, identity, and Goa's beautiful uniqueness. Today Goans in Goa do not know where they are

- Dr Jorson Fernandes, Social activist, and politician

Culture and identity are being sold by our very own people and political rulers

Goa is slowly losing its unique culture and identity which is being sold by our very own people and political rulers. It is important to preserve our cultural heritage because it keeps our integrity as a people. It is our voice and we must not lose it before it is too late

-Surendra Furtado, Former Panjim Mayor 

Intentions of Opinion Poll crusaders led Dr Sequeira have been betrayed by politicians

The victory of the Opinion Poll led us to gain Statehood. In my opinion the intentions of the crusaders of Opinion Poll led by then Leader of Opposition Dr Jack de Sequeira have been betrayed by politicians and elected representatives of every political party. We have converted self rule to dictatorial rule

-Trajano D’Mello, Political analyst

We are now on the verge of losing culture as fallout of Goa being promoted as drug and sex tourist destination 

Goa has a distinct identity related to the world. This identity would have been completely destroyed if Goa was merged with Maharashtra. Victory in the Opinion Poll enabled Goa to preserve both identity and culture to a significant extent though the politicians' penchant for migrant influx has diluted it to some extent. However we are now on the verge of losing the culture as fallout of Goa being promoted as drug and sex tourist destination. Our tourism has saturated as it has lost out on nature, serenity and cleanliness front and to compensate it government is sacrificing our cultural heritage

-Rajendra Kakodkar, Activist, Curchorem