

Herald Team

VAGATOR: The people of Vagator had enough. Frustrated with the cat and mouse game being played by the local police station in not acting on clear complaints of sound violations, including not sending check vehicles after registering complaints, they spoke directly to the SP when called. North Goa SP Akshat Kaushal called residents of Vagator and Anjuna to for a meeting at Anjuna Police Station on Wednesday, after reports of abject non-cooperation from the local police, in booking and stopping violations of sounds rules 

“The SP was shocked when he was made aware that loud music is allowed to play till early morning by clubs with no permission. When he questioned Police Inspector (Prashal Desai), the latter denied,” stated Antonio Moraes, who was present during the interaction.

Moraes, who was part of two candle light vigils against loud music- outside the Anjuna Police Station – claimed that the Police Inspector (PI) informed the SP that “establishments with permission to play indoor music were allowed to play all night.”

“North Goa collector has clearly told oHeraldo (based on the report he read in the Thursday June 13 edition of your newspaper) that indoor means sound proof venues. None of the venues in Vagator are sound proof. If they were how come we cannot sleep all night due to loud music?” questioned Javish Moniz who was present.

“We the people of Anjuna, Vagator would like to bring to your notice that clubs restaurants who play very loud music in the day and beyond 10 pm disturbing the kids and elderly are the following: 1)PapicMullo (Hostel); 2) Raeeth;3)Echo Club;4) Vamos;5) 9Bar;6) Noah;7) W Goa,” read the letter submitted by the people on the instance of the SP.

Meanwhile the Pollution Control Board too didn’t seem enthused about monitoring the noise levels proactively, going as far as to state that there is no High Court directive to do install Online Noise Monitoring Systems

“We have installed some systems on the coastal belt that are linked to the Anjuna Police Station, the GSPCB office and the Collectors office, But there is no High Court mandate that Online Noise Monitoring Systems need to be installed by establishments getting permission to play music.” stated Goa State Pollution Control Board (GSPCB) secretary Shamila Monteiro. 

“Places playing loud music do not need to have sound monitoring station or sound display board,” categorically stated Monteiro whilst allaying fears that GSPCB was lackadaisical in controlling the noise pollution.

 “ I have been personally visiting all these places in the wee hours of the morning and have only heard the loud noise and never seen any monitoring systems in any place except the Anjuna police station,” stated Desmond Alvares .

“Our MLA met us twice with the PI and after promising that loud music will not be allowed and nothing happened. Just before elections, the Chief Minister promised all of us in front of the PI and the story continued. The Sp has now assured us but it is getting hard to digest,” said Moniz who thinks the authorities end up leaving locals with powdered noses after every visit.