

Herald Team

VAGATOR: The candles lit by protesters from Anjuna and Vagator over four nights managed to silence the noise of EDM parties, but they finished with a promise to keep glowing as long as the government kept giving permissions for parties to establishments without the live noise monitoring systems as notified by the High Court of Bombay at Goa.

The last day, witnessed the largest crowd, apart from activists, people from as far as Arambol, Panjim and South Goa extending their support, leading to the protesters assuring their presence, in return, in any part of Goa.

“Parties were held thirty years back or even earlier, and we did not mind because they were within limits, normally on full moons or holidays and never when there were exams. Pockets may have been lined then, but not this way, where we, people are being driven to insanity,” stated Beena Fernandes, as the meeting that started outside the police station at 9.30 pm winded after an hour and forty-five minutes.

“Our demand is clear, the Goa State Pollution Control Board (GSPCB) must ensure that all units that wish to play outside or inside, with sound-proof facilities as stated by Collector Sneha Gitte, must have live noise monitoring systems in place,” said an exhausted Janie Crasto.

“Establishments are already being given permission to play indoors and their music can be heard miles away. As the North Goa Collector has been reported as saying, indoors should necessarily imply soundproof,” added Crasto.

The fourth day, which began at the Anjuna Police Station, culminated at the same place, but outside, where the story of deceit had begun with Siolim MLA Delilah Lobo and continued with the officers. The protesters burst into cheers when Janet Moraes during her open address, read out a message from South Goa MP Viriato Fernandes: “I was there on the first day because I care and promise to raise your issue in Parliament when I get the opportunity. We shall always be together.”

“Despite protesting for the last two years and getting mixed reactions, we still believe our answer lies with the judges of the High Court of Bombay at Goa. Action plans have been notified before, and they have been disrespected,” said Desmond D’Souza from Anjuna.

“The Contempt Petition hearing is scheduled to take place at the High Court tomorrow and some of us intend attending the case not to influence, but to make it known that we no longer trust the government,” affirmed D’Souza.

The final day of the protest got a political fillip with the presence of Benaulim MLA Venzy Viegas and three activists - Swapnesh Sherlekar, Walter Lobo and Pratima Coutinho.

“We are with you and with the numbers you all have managed to generate, the message to the government is- a united voice can silence the loudest of music,” was the common thread shared by the speakers.