
Without identity, we are only unconscious numbers, tools in the hands of those who want to use us: PM Italy

Herald Team

Italy’s first woman Prime Minister spoke as a mother, a professional and a Prime Minster at the Budapest Demographic Summit two days ago, underlining the importance of families, their protection and the need to grow families as units. But importantly she spoke about protecting identities and enforcing human rights.

Meloni was in India last week for the G 20 meeting.

Her words will echo across humanity and will be particularly evocative in Manipur, a State ripped apart by sectarian and ethnic violence. A State where ethnic communities have been both instigators and victims of violence. Identities are strong in Manipur,  where the price that the people have been made to pay with the surrender of human rights. Her speech, in any case, has become viral all over and is one of the top trending over the weekend.  

 We live in an era in which everything that defines us is under attack- PM Giorgia Meloni

This is what Meloni, 46, who became Italy’s first woman Prime Minister, in October 2022 said “We live in an era in which everything that defines us is under attack. Why? And why is it dangerous?

 It is dangerous for our identity – our national identity, our family identity, our religious identity – is also what makes us aware of our rights and able to defend those rights. Without that identity, we are only numbers,  unconscious numbers, tools in the hands of those who want to use us”

What she said should echo among all who have died leaving families behind due to caste and ethnic clashes “That is why I think a great battle for somebody who is defending humankind and the rights of people is also to defend families, is also to defend nations, is also to defend identity, is also to defend God and all the things that have built our civilization.”

The message is strong and it soothes. Identities of all forms, regional and national need to be protected and mutually respected, with no identity in conflict. And above all defending identities is defending humankind. The world has hope with such messages emanating from the heads of countries.