News Today

person loses life while Crossing National Highway Kadamba Road; Locals Demand Safety Measures

Herald Team

Tragedy struck on Saturday evening as a 45-year-old Odisha native lost his life while attempting to cross the National Highway Kadamba Road, Old Goa. The deceased identified as Gopal Chandra Pradhan who was walking on the road was hit by a car at Kadamba bypass. The car driver has been detained. 

The victim, identified as a migrant worker, tragically lost his life in the collision with a vehicle traveling at high speed along the highway from Panjim to Old Goa. Locals reported that the migrant worker was handicapped, adding to the gravity of the incident. The four-wheeler involved was an electric car, and the drivers were identified as non-Goans. Following the accident, the vehicle attempted to flee the scene, but local residents intervened, stopping them and questioning the situation.

The incident, which occurred around 6:30 pm, has ignited concerns among local residents regarding road safety measures. The lack of designated crossing points along the highway has been highlighted as a significant issue, emphasizing the urgent need for safety provisions to prevent similar accidents in the future.

Prompt action was taken by locals who immediately alerted the authorities, calling for police and ambulance assistance for the victim. Upon receiving the distress call, the police swiftly arrived at the scene, initiating an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the tragic accident.