News Today

RESIGN: Goenchea Ramponkarancho Ekvott tells Fisheries Director; allege she owns trawlers

Herald Team
PANJIM: Goenchea Ramponkarancho Ekvott has charged that Fisheries Director Shamila Monterio failed to resolve the issue of LED light fishing. They also charged her with misusing her power as the director for her own benefit and demanded her resignation.

They questioned why she went to Norway. There fishing of certain species is banned. “Will you also ban certain species under threat in Goa,” Olencio Simoes, General Secretary of GRE asked.

They alleged she runs her own mechanical fishing boats and has been deliberately favoring the trawlers owners by refusing to take necessary action against them.

President of Goenchea Ramponkarancho Ekvott Agnelo Rodrigues alleged that Monteiro has filed an affidavit in court that trawlers require gensets. When we asked her whether the trawler owners asked her to filed this in the affidavit, she replied in the negative, Rodrigues said.  

Frustrated with her functioning , the fishermen have demanded her immediate suspension.

Fisheries Director Shamila Monteiro said they matter is in  court and she will abide by the court’s decision.