Integrity shines in times of need

Herald Team
Tiatr: Dhongiponn
Cast: Peter de Pedda, Meena, Mita, Agusto de Calangute, Ivon, Aloma, Kenny, Remmy,
Director: John D’Silva
Band: Cristo (trumpet), John Dias (saxophone), Jaison (drums), Jose Carvalho (keyboard), Twigy (bass)
Story: After acing in swimming at the national level, Shabana (Meena) is eager to participate at the international level. Will her dreams come true?
At the national level, Shabana bags the first place in a swimming contest in Hyderabad. She now wishes to participate at the international level in Australia and expresses her desire to her father, Thomas (Peter de Pedda).
Though her father encourages his her to go ahead with her dreams, Shabana is reluctant as she will have to bear the cost of Rs 3 lakh on her own. With a positive mind, Thomas wishes to assist his daughter in whatever way possible.
Thomas first approaches the local MLA Rosy (Mita), who declines to help them as it will not benefit her in anyway. Next, he seeks assistance from Viva TV channel reporter (Agusto de Calangute) and print media reporter (Ivon). Both refuse to assist them as they expect hot news and issues for the viewer and reader respectively. Finally, along with his daughter, Thomas meets NGO president Sarita D’Sa (Aloma).
Will the NGO president go out of her way to assist Shabana? Who works out a plan to avail of government assistance for the swimmer? What is the plan? How do things work in favour of Shabana?
John D’Silva’s tiatr ‘Dhongiponn’ focuses on the hypocrisy prevalent not only among the politicians, but also among the NGOs and print and electronic media. He exposes their misdeeds and reveals how mileage is gained by some for wrong things.
As a father, Peter de Pedda has given a fine performance. He has been ably assisted by Meena as the daughter, who encounters frustrations. Mita and Aloma stand tall in their roles as MLA and NGO president respectively. As reporters, Ivon and Agusto de Calangute have done justice to their characters.
When the identity of some characters get easily revealed on stage, placement of placards or boards was not required. Before the commencement of tiatr, the director informs that his work of art is purely fictitious. But was there the need to repeat the same in English?
In the comic acts, as a forgetful man, John D’Silva entertains. He is ably assisted by Kenny, Remmy and
Cristo and team have provided good live music, while A P Rojols has handled the light effects diligently. 
In the category of songs, Ivon, Aloma, Mita, Agusto, John D’Silva, Kenny, Meena, Peter de Pedda entertain with solos, while Ivon and Agusto, Kenny and Mita come along with other songs. But a trio, quartet and choral were missed in the drama.