Traversing through the by-lanes of history at Chandor

Herald Team
By Ronnie D'souza
This beautiful village which is today called Chandor was earlier known as Chandrapur and was the capital of the kadamba rulers. It is also known as old capital of Goa. The village is surrounded by hills and fields with the River Kushavati passing through it lies a historical rich in heritage and culture, that shows the history of kings rules and Portuguese rules period and of modern day's.
During the time of King Bhoja there was a Shiva temple. The statue of Nandi Shiva Bull, believed to be of 13 century's is still there in cotta .
The Curse history of Chandor:  When the Portuguese invaded Chandrapur, it had Kadamba King Harihar as its ruler. The people of Chandrapur did not defend him in the battle against the Portuguese and the king was killed. The queen was furious at her people and committed suicide. But before dying she cursed the villagers by beating her feet on a stone outside the temple and said every woman in this village will become a widow when they will get married here. The stone with her foot prints is still maintained and it is kept middle of the steps front side of St Tiago chapel, cotta, Chandor. 
Because of this curse many neighbouring villages restrained from marrying their daughter to boys from Cotta ward but now the curse is no more.
Mussal dance takes place at Cotta, Chandor just before the Goan carnival  The Mandda Khuris from where the dance begins, the elderly head along with the group  of the village known as Gaonkar dressed with traditional dress, a dhoti, kurta and parka form a circle holding a mussal in their hands and singing the song in local language konkani " Hari haracho khel khelayta,  khel durgabhayr shivo dita". Outside the old Portuguese  Fernandes house  they dance and sing .This dance is performed to celebrate the victory in the 14th century of the Hindu King of Vijayanagar, Harihar over the Cholas.
Fernandes heritage house is also known as Voddlem Ghor which is near St Tiago Chapel at cotta, Chandor. The Fernandes House was built over 500 years ago and is a blend of its Hindu origins and later Portuguese. 
The house also has the Miracle Statue of Menino Jezu near the altar, a lover's wooden chair and other olden furniture. It also has an escape  tunnel from the lady's changing room. The tunnel with steps that goes underground also has bullet marks on the wall. The owner of this house is friendly and tells you history about it.
Heritage Braganza house was built in the 17 century after Fernandes house. This house is divided into two parts. The famous heritage house in Chandor with great salon, a large ballroom with floor made of Italian marble, rose wood furniture carved out by Goan carpenters of that era. It is having a beautiful chapel inside the house, on the altar you can also see the nail of our Saint Francis Xavier. Many tourists visit here from different parts of the world. 
Different film shooting too take place at regular intervals. The lady owner of this house tells you everything about it.
The Chandor Church was built in the year 1945 and given the name Our Lady of Remedies.  The front piece of the Church collapsed on August 14, 1949. The Chandor Church was reconstructed in neo Gothic style but the nave and sanctuary of the Church retain their mannerist character. The church was blessed on December 17, 1950 by giving the new name Our Lady of Bethlehem or known as Nossa Senhora de Belem. The feast of our Lady of Bethlehem is celebrated along with the feast of The Three kings on January 6, every year. Three kings are chosen, crowned and dressed as kings and come riding on the horse from Mount Hill our Lady of Piety Chapel to Chandor Parish church with gifts, traditional brass band and along with people.
The Alma Khuris was built in the year 1982. Remedios bakery is famous for its hot Pao and the Chandor market is famous for the pork and Goan favourite pork sausage.