Not letting stutter hold back their creativity

International Stuttering Awareness Day or International Stammering Awareness Day, is an annual celebration to raise public awareness of the issues faced by millions of people who stutter, or stammer. In Goa too, there are many artistes who found success in different fields especially performing arts that let their creativity shine through, giving them the confidence to express themselves
Not letting stutter hold back their creativity
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International Stuttering Awareness Day is a great time to educate people and eradicate all forms of social stigma around stammering. There are innumerable success stories of people who have achieved great things in spite of speech struggles. Did you know that Elvis Presley who captured the attention of large arenas with his magnetic voice and great performance was one of the biggest icons of the 20th century who struggled with a stuttering disorder? Goa also has great musicians and singers who overcome this speech disorder with the help of different mechanisms and especially the support from those close to them.

Entertaining tiatr lovers since 1987 with his unique style of comedy, John D'Silva, known in tiatr circles as the 'Emperor of the Konkani Stage' also made an impressive impact in Konkani films. When he is prepared, he doesn't stammer but when he is nervous or asked to speak on the spot, he sometimes faces this difficult. With years of performing experience, he has overcome this challenge. "My main support is God almighty the creator. Stammering is not a drawback and now even if I stammer, people take it as a part of the comedy. Our drawback is not our drawback, it is a gift of God that can be used. One should be held back but overcome this challenge,"

says John.

With a great voice and stage presence, Elvis Mascarenhas has been in the limelight at tiatrs, films as well as Mando performances and has won awards too. However, when he stepped on stage at the age of 13, he used to struggle with his words. “I was acting in a tiatr directed by Fr Dominic Alvares and even though other actors were struggling to work with me, he gave me the courage to talk well on stage. I had to get my tongue ready before delivering the dialogue and that used to stress me. He had the patience and told me to take my time to express myself. Over the years, I learnt to give flawless dialogue delivery,” informs Elvis, who is currently acting in Prince Jacob’s tiatr, ‘Sant Padr Pio’.

Anjali Barretto, head of Child Development Clinic and Speech-Language Pathologist at Sethu - Centre for Child Development and Family Guidance, a non-profit organization that works to promote inclusion in Goa. She explains what stammering is. “Stammering, which is also referred to as stuttering, tends to start between 2 and a half and 5 years of age. This usually occurs when young children are developing their language skills rapidly, so there is a link between the two. Stammering can develop gradually or suddenly. Stammering tends to run in families. It is influenced by, but not completely explained by genetics. Sometimes, people start to stammer later in life when they have never stammered before as a child. When this happens, it is because of either a neurological issue (i.e. arising from a stroke or neurological disease) or because of extreme distress or psychological trauma. Stammering can make it difficult for a child to communicate and we will observe a child repeating words, syllables, or phrases; prolonging words or parts of words, having a hard time starting a word, phrase, or sentence. Hence, it is always advisable to seek support from trained professionals. Many children go through normal periods of disfluency that last less than six months. If stuttering lasts longer than that, it may need treatment."

According to her, speech therapy is the main form of treatment for all forms of stuttering. In children, this involves learning and activities that help stuttering symptoms improve until they go away. Speech therapy activities and techniques depend on the stuttering type, symptoms and severity.

"If a child has a stammer then they may stammer more if they are feeling anxious and they may become less confident about speaking. This arises for some children because of their experience of stammering rather than stammering happening because they are anxious or not confident. Research suggests that some children who stammer experience emotions relatively intensely and find it harder to regulate their emotions. This is another area that is being investigated by researchers at the moment," she

further explains.

Varun Carvalho is a professional dentist, musician and the founder of the RiseNation Army that works to introduce music in the lives of children in Goa. As a child, he had a speech impairment that caused him to stammer and even encountered bullying but singing became his biggest accomplishment and source of happiness. “Coping with stammering as a kid was not easy because every time I tried to open my mouth, I was laughed at, mocked and made fun off. Violence was everywhere and getting hit was nearly an everyday affair. I knew that giving up was not an option as I had to go through all of it,” says Varun.

He further adds, “It was in these crazy times that the music found me. My father’s cousin took me to a massive music concert and the music got me. I got hold of an old guitar and I kept strumming to the rhythm everyday, till the rhythm became me and I the rhythm. I got over the stammering as the only way to get over the fears was to face the fears. The cure to stammering is getting into rhythm, I realised when I sang, I didn’t stammer and so I started singing my way through life, the stammering disappeared and life became a beautiful song. The rhythm has taken me on this beautiful journey across the world spread the love and taking people to a higher riddim.”

Elston Pereira is a music teacher at Deep Vihar Primary School, Head Land Sada, Mormugao, where he teaches young children to play the keyboard, guitar and Ukulele and also teaches singing and solfege. He is also a member of the Seby and Elston Duo Band. “I do stammer sometimes, but my will power help me to overcome my stammering. My father, Joao Francisco Pereira was my support. My music career started at a young age, as my father used to take me to sing with him for Masses, litany and programs. I would advise children and youngsters not to think about what others will say to you. Be strong with will power. Always think I'm special, not a copied version,” says Elston.

"Research suggests that up to 90 percent of children with developmental stuttering will recover by the time they turn 18. For the rare group where stuttering persists it is usually a lifelong condition. However, it’s still treatable and many adults can learn to compensate for and manage it. Stuttering can be frustrating or embarrassing no matter your age when you develop it. However, stuttering is a medical condition, and it’s no reason to feel ashamed,"

says Anjali.

Many people recover from this condition and go on to become extremely successful. The world is filled with talented people who are famous and had stuttering.

Herald Goa