The values of humanity

The values of humanity
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The story revolves around twin brothers, one is a priest and the other is a goon Tiger (Rons Tavares). The goon is employed by the local MLA (Xavier de Maina) and he gets paid for notorious activities in his constituency.

The MLA resides with his only daughter Sonia (Celeste). He also has a driver Shankar (Bunty), who provides him with all the required information about the happenings around the place.

One fine day, in an intoxicated mood, Shankar informs the MLA that his daughter is seen with Anyel (Anyel), who comes from a poor family. The MLA turns furious and calls up Tiger to get rid of his daughter’s fiancée.

But unfortunately, Tiger refrains from any dishonourable activity during the season of Lent. And so Anyel is saved from the clutches of death. But the goon warns and informs the lad that he will return to do what he has been asked to do after Lent.

Will Tiger abide by his word? Will he kill Anyel? Or will he mend his ways and change for the better? What follows next on stage is worth the watch during the second half of the drama.

Lenten show ‘Crist-Hanv’ has a story to relate and a message at the end. But the title of the show should have been ‘Krist-Hanv’ as it speaks about Christian life and deeds.

Xavier de Maina portrays himself as an MLA. But apart from his dress code, he appears too soft in his gestures. Rons Tavares has played his double role with gusto. Bunty stands tall as the drunkard driver, who makes one bold entry from the audience in the beginning. Celeste is in a serious role this time and looks comfortable. Maria, Priscila have extended good support to the main cast. Leslie as an inspector doles out fine performance.

In the comic acts, there’s Hortencio teaming up with Romeo, Lenisa, Clive and they provide a good dose of laughter pills to the audience.

In the category of songs, Anyel, Melisa and Lenisa come on stage for the opening song, followed by several solos by Leslie, Rons, Rusell, Anyel, Ben Evangelisto, Melisa, Normandez and Hortencio. There are other songs by Priscila and Xavier de Maina, Maria and Jack Rodson and Priscila and Maria. But a duo, trio, quartet and choral went amiss in the drama. Melroy Rodrigues has handled the entire music, including the background, singlehandedly on the keyboard and he deserves appreciation.

The stage sets are by Anthony de Ambajim and Dinesh has taken care of the light sets. Overall it was a good presentation for reflection during the season of grace.

Herald Goa