Goans must now rally for Goa, as they did recently for another cause

Jose Maria Miranda
Goans must now rally for Goa, as they did recently for another cause
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Goans rarely come together, in large numbers, for protests or demonstrations. They did, a few times in the past, during language agitation, medium of instruction and in 2006, demanding scrapping of Regional Plan 2011. These were successful due to the overwhelming support of the people and most importantly because the rulers were far more democratic and sensitive to public opinion than the present ones. However, many other worthy agitations, sadly, did not draw very large crowds.

In a significant outpour of anger and hurt, people came out in thousands, recently, at various places, to protest against the highly provocative and malicious demand by a former RSS leader for a DNA on a person who is revered not only by Catholics, but by people of other faiths, and whose sacred remains we are proud to hold and venerate in Old Goa.

I maintain that we may have got our priorities wrong and that my greatest fear was that the agitation could go out of hand, because of the emotive issue involved and the massive participation of people. However, it is creditworthy that it was peaceful and simultaneously served to bring the community together, as rarely before, and to warn the Government not to take Goans for granted, as it has consistently done in the past. Detention, arrests and framing of charges are normal procedures which follow such agitations, especially in intolerant regimes, like ours, but these should never deter us from our determination to fight for issues and uphold values which we consider sacred.

I hope that when this matter reaches the court, our lawyers will turn the tables on the Police for dereliction of duties and contempt of Court, as it failed to discharge its duty of acting against a highly inflammatory remark, thus forcing people on the roads to demonstrate and demand the filing of FIR and arrest of the miscreant. The Supreme Court has mandated that Police act against people making such statements, even without the need of complaints. The Police was surely in contempt of SC directives and responsible for the demonstrations and consequent blocking of roads due to large number of participants. It has, therefore, no moral authority to file charges against the organisers and others.

The timely appeal by the Church, through the Council of Social Justice & Peace and the wise advice of some of our respected and well known defenders of our land, like Dr Claude, Swapnesh, Xencor, Rama and Sabina Martins helped diffuse the situation and it is commendable that the agitation leaders heeded to their advice. The apprehensions expressed by Dr Oscar Rebelo were real and people need to exercise extreme caution, especially when it comes to religious issues, which unfortunately bring more people together than other important matters which threaten our very existence, our livelihoods, environment and sometimes even our health and lives. The infiltration of miscreants in the crowd is always a possibility.

It is, indeed, very sad that in the land of the Mahatma, the Government should only understand the language of violence, without which action is rarely forthcoming. Leaders, too, must bear in mind that it is nearly impossible to control the crowds, however much they try, and though blocking of roads was not envisaged, it is, at times, inevitable. Bandhs, of course, must never be encouraged, as they could antagonize even the supporters of the cause. These may help as a show of strength, but they do inconvenience people and could also be counter-productive.

It was perhaps not a coincidence that the Chief Minister and TCP Minister were summoned to Delhi, obviously because of agitations against land sale and Goa’s destruction, which might have had the blessings of the Centre. A way had to be found out to counter the anti-Government attacks and protests, which are now spreading all over Goa, involving even people who were earlier supporting the establishment. If the statement of the habitual offender was well timed and meant to divert people’s attention from the core issues afflicting Goa and create communal tension amongst the peace loving communities of Goa, the plan miserably failed and boomeranged. On the contrary, it needs appreciation that some non-Christians too joined the protests and a few even expressed their outrage and concurred with the view that it was a game plan to divide the communities and distract our attention from the more serious problems which have afflicted Goa, of late.

It is indeed unfortunate that everywhere in the country, MPs, MLAs and other BJP functionaries have been making derogatory and even threatening statements against the minorities and have got away with them, because they have the support of the ruling Party. Such statements are thankfully, not common in Goa, but recently someone in Canacona did threaten members of a minority community and apparently this happened in the presence of some police and other authorities, with again no action taken.

Such communal outbursts and remarks must be nipped in the bud, if we are to maintain the harmony which exists for centuries among the religious communities in Goa.

Fellow Goans, the plan to divert our attention has been defeated. We have proved to the Government that, if need be, we can come together and we will, indeed, be again on the roads to defend our land, our demography, our environment, our fields, hills, trees and rivers. Let us hope that, as true sons of this beautiful land, which God has given us, we will now heed to our leaders, who are selflessly spending their time, energies and finances, and respond to their call to expose our greedy rulers and destroyers of Goa by not resting until all permissions given for mega projects are reversed and their patrons are hounded out of Goa. Let us show up in much more numbers and enthusiasm when the GBA and other stalwarts demand our presence, for while stupid statements will soon be erased from our minds, the irreversible destruction of the beauty of our land will never be erased and will stand as a permanent remorse and a curse on us by our future generations.

(The author is a retired banker)

Herald Goa