Fr Agnelo, a catalyst for social reform, was resolute in his mission of constant engagement in the lives of people. He often expressed that there is no point in teaching spirituality when there is no water to drink, food to eat and so much of widespread homelessness He considered “overcoming poverty as our duty and a matter of justice not an act of charity.
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The Christian theology of redemption of mankind rests on the crucifixion of Jesus on the Cross.  This is the centre piece of Christianity. Throughout history, whenever men have forgotten this cardinal truth or have sought to find it, God has always intervened through holy men, their exemplary lives and miracles. Father Agnelo was sent to us with the mission of affirming this truth.  The recurring theme of Father Agnelo during his Apostolate as a missionary, was reminding the faithful of the historical fact of a  crucified Christ who as the son of God obediently paid the price of a ransom, releasing humanity from the bondage of sin, death and separation from God.  Men throughout history keep forgetting this cardinal truth of the Cross which symbolises a historical event and an instrument in the liberation of mankind.

Teachers have four important duties:  They ought to inspire, motivate, encourage and to educate those who wish to learn.  In schools, the teachers serve as surrogate parents to children who are away from home.  Every saint has served as a teacher and has imparted messages that have great relevance to guide us along the right spiritual path.  Father Agnelo firmly believed that “Actions speak louder than words: let your words teach and actions speak”.  He walked in the path of His MASTER who gave up his might and grandeur to be humble, humane and compassionate.  Fr Agnelo firmly believed that the “Lord was his Shepherd and that there is nothing we can desire or want that we cannot find in God.” Holiness in the words of Fr Agnelo was all about having a heart that is sensitive regardless of what the conventional wisdom of the time suggested.  He was often heard saying “Good, better, best, never let it rest.  Till your good is better and your better is best.”  Fr Agnelo always promoted and helped instil the spirit of gratitude in all his followers. Nothing in life is ever to be taken for granted. He urged the faithful to always be thankful for all of life’s experience.

Giving a helping hand to all those who approached him in times of need, Fr Agnelo was silent as regards his many acts of charity.  In common parlance, “He did not let his left hand know what his right hand was doing.”  Besides his pastoral ministry, his heart always longed for righteousness and justice for his people.  At the same time, Fr Agnelo wanted everyone to be faithful to their duties and work with sincerity and honesty in whatever work they undertook.  Fr Agnelo was known for his commitment to the poor.  His spirituality was not separated from his social concerns, thus making him a beacon to all of us, inspiring to live a life of righteousness and justice.  Throughout his life, Fr Agnelo strove to build a better world.  He firmly believed:  that true spirituality challenges us to work for the transformation of society through the gospel values. He considered it both inhumane and unchristian that our fellow humans could be left to die of hunger.

Fr Agnelo a catalyst for social reform was resolute in his mission of constant engagement in the lives of people. He often expressed that there is no point in teaching spirituality when there is no water to drink, food to eat and so much of widespread homelessness.  He considered “overcoming poverty as our duty and a matter of justice not an act of charity.  He firmly upheld the view that eradication of poverty was a basic fundamental human rights of the poor.  His firm view against casteism was simple yet profound.  He asserted that God is our Father and all of us are his children.  We are all a part of humanity and are all equal before God and therefore cannot claim privileges because of caste superiority.

Even after several decades of his saintly death, Fr Angelo’s tomb at Pilar attracts countless devotees from all over the world. Born as Agnelo Gustavo Adolfo de  Souza in Anjuna Goa, he was declared venerable in November 1986. 

Agnelo was born in a family of 9 children, 8 boys and 1 girl of which he was the 6th.  The family of Fr Agnelo owned large properties.  However, Fr Agnelo voluntarily adopted a practical spiritual poverty.  His aim was to attain heavenly wealth and show the same path to the people around him.  A member of the Society of the Missionaries of St Francis Xavier, Pilar, Goa Fr Agnelo believed that “only from nothing can God make us into something new.”  One of the finest and outstanding qualities of Fr Agnelo was his total obedience towards the superiors of the society of Pilar. He never took any independent decision without asking or consulting the latter. Father Agnelo died at the age of 58 on 20.11.1927.  It was while preaching the sermon for the vespers of the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus that he collapsed on the pulpit.  At his funeral, the then parish priest commented “I have just laid a saint to rest.” In the meanwhile, Goa and the world eagerly awaits the canonisation of Fr Agnelo as a Saint! 

 (The writer, a social scientist, is a senior practicing criminal lawyer)

Herald Goa