An increased interest in exotic flowers among Goans...

During Ganesh Chaturthi, a major Hindu festival celebrating the birth of Lord Ganesha, various flowers are used for decoration and offerings. Each flower has its own significance and is chosen to enhance the spiritual atmosphere of the celebration
An increased interest in exotic flowers among Goans...
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There has been a noticeable shift in floral preferences during this festive season, with demand for exotic flowers increasing. Suppliers have observed a notable shift in customer preferences moving away from the traditional marigold garlands that were the mainstay of floral arrangements, toward a wide variety of exotic flowers.
Traditionally, the market was dominated by marigold garlands, frequently combined with other flowers. Roses were first incorporated into the trend, which eventually led to a preference for other exotic flower varieties. Local vendors claim that middle-class consumers looking for unique floral options are the main reason behind the recent spike in demand for these kinds of flowers.

While some clients are adamant about sticking to tradition as they make purchases, our primary clientele consists of middle-class individuals who are enthusiastic about trying new and unique flower varieties

Antoneta Miranda, flower vendor, Arlém, South Goa

The current state of the market indicates that demand for different exotic flowers is rising. For example, 14-16 orchid garlands cost approximately Rs 400, but larger arrangements can reach up to Rs 1,000. Garlands measuring about 2.5-foot in length, made of roses and chrysanthemums, along with a variety of other flowers are in high demand in the market and cost about Rs 600-650. 'Traditional flowers like marigolds, however continue to be popular during major festivals like Diwali and Dussehra, despite this growing trend of exotic flowers', says Rudraksh from Assolda, South Goa.

Although it had an influence a few years ago, the market has also seen a shift in the desire for plastic flowers. Currently, the strong sentimental value associated with traditional natural flowers used for religious and cultural purposes means that these synthetic alternatives are largely ignored. With lotuses and roses costing Rs 100 and Rs 20, respectively, the emphasis has shifted back to natural flowers.

Herald Goa