Ansulem streets see light after 25 years, a day before Chaturthi

Women and senior citizens had difficulty in moving out after dark
Ansulem streets see light after 25 years, a day before Chaturthi
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PORIEM: It is often presumed that Goa is a developed city state. However, many remote parts of Goa still lack basic amenities and are still in darkness, especially in the hinterland talukas.

Villagers of Ansulem had a lot to celebrate a day before Ganesh Chaturthi on Friday. The villagers received street lights after 25 years. Though the villagers had electricity in their homes there were no street lights, making it difficult for women and senior citizens to venture out at night.

The villagers were overjoyed to receive the gift of light ahead of Ganesh Chaturthi. The village falls under the ward of Panch member Rupali Pradip Gaonkar of Bironda Panchayat in Poriem Constituency.


“It was due to the unceasing efforts of ward member Rupali Pradip Gaonkar, who pursued the matter with the local MLA that the ward has received street lights. I praise the people for the patience for bearing up with the panchayat since they did not have electricity for 25 years.”  
Udaysing Rane, Sarpanch, Bironda Panchayat
“Though the village had electricity, the streets were in darkness. I thank the ward member Rupali and the electricity department officials who have made this possible. I also thank the sarpanch for providing people like us who have no resources.”  
Babu Humane, a villager

Devidas Desai, a village youth, thanked the electricity department for completing the work during the rains.

“It is a big task to climb the poles and fix the wires. They have risked their lives and done the work. Over the last 25 years there have been so many sarpanchas and panchas but no one thought of providing us power. I salute Panch Rupali Gaonkar for bringing light to the village. She has lit the village ahead of Ganesh Chaturthi. We are truly delighted.”
Devidas Desai, a village youth
Herald Goa