Green sheds constructed by highway authorities are now garbage dumping sites

Green sheds constructed by highway authorities are now garbage dumping sites
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In the last two years, the Highway authorities have constructed green sheds at regular intervals along National Highway-4A in Corlim, adjacent to Deccan Chemicals Ltd main gate. The original purpose of the green shed awas to use it as a collection centre where highway litter is picked up by manual workers employed by highway authorities and brought to the green sheds for eventual disposal by garbage trucks. This process of garbage collection takes 3 to 4 days before the black garbage bags are brought to the green shed.

In the meanwhile, the general public has seized the opportunity of dumping and scattering their garbage bags around the green sheds. 

Private cars, scooters and passersby stop at the green shed, and either pitch or leave their wet and dry garbage bags around and close to the green shed. This has resulted in a pile up of garbage which is left to rot and at times consumed by poor stray cattle.

The authorities should remove these green sheds permanently and as soon as possible as they have become health hazards to residents who live along the highway close to the green sheds. Think what a poor picture our ‘Sundar Goem’ presents to the educated tourists who visit our State. 

Herald Goa