Grievances of senior citizens at Panjim KTC bus stand

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GOACAN, along with senior citizens from all consumer forums, assembled at the Main KTC bus stand at Panjim to highlight the concerns and issues of the elderly.

Goa is known as a tourist destination for all the wrong reasons nowadays. The tourism promoted is for the young who are loaded with money, to come to Goa to burn their hard earned money or the wealth left by their parents for drinking, drugs , casinos and prostitution and create more mess for the State by driving recklessly on our roads. At the KTC stand there is no Zebra crossing marked for the commuters once they alight from the buses. No proper sign boards can be seen or even the outlay plan of the various bus bays for buses headed to various village destinations, leaving elders and people dependent on bus transport clueless. I want to ask the govt offices and tourism-related counters, how do you promote tourism this way?Are the elders to be left out from Tourism? This is shameful. When these senior citizens have worked hard during their youthful years. Is this how our governments repay them despite being taxpayers?

Herald Goa