Youth advised to wear helmets for their safety, not just to avoid fines

Youth advised to wear helmets for 
their safety, not just to avoid fines
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Team Herald

PONDA: Traffic ASI Mahesh Sangodkar advised the youth to wear helmets for their safety and not just to avoid fines. He also educated them on traffic rules, road signs, and the proper use of safety gear.

In collaboration with the Ponda Traffic Cell and Cyber Police, the Kavalem panchayat organised an awareness program on traffic safety and cybercrimes. ASI Sangodkar urged parents not to allow underage students to drive, as it puts both their lives and others at risk.

He stressed the importance of proper vehicle maintenance, adhering to traffic regulations, and using ISI-marked helmets and seat belts. Bikers were specifically advised to ensure their helmets are properly fitted for maximum protection.

Cyber PI Chetan Naik, Kavalem sarpanch Manuja Naik, deputy sarpanch Sushant Kapilieshwarkar, panch member Vithoba Gaude, Satwashila Naik, Sonali Tendulkar, Survesh Amonkar and Sumitra Naik, secretary Mayur Gaonkar, PTA members Nilesh Naik, villagers and students were present.

Meanwhile, the Ponda Police organised a cyber awareness session to address the rise in cybercrimes, including online cheating and fraudulent job offers.

PI Chetan Naik advised against engaging in online dealings without proper verification and warned of fake calls and messages.

He urged job seekers to only apply for positions posted on authentic job portals.

Traffic awareness camps held in coastal p'yats

CALANGUTE: The Arpora panchayat along with Goa traffic police held a traffic awareness campaign to promote road safety and responsible driving following a rise in the of number of accidents in which many people have lost their lives. Similar campaigns have also been held in Calangute and other panchayats recently with the start of the new tourist season.

There was an interactive session on traffic rules and regulations, with an emphasis on wearing helmets, seatbelts, avoiding over-speeding and drunk driving at the meeting.

“When an accident happens, it is not just the rider or driver who suffers, but the entire family and friends circle is also affected,” traffic police inspector Bashir Mulla said, recounting many accidents which he has experienced first-hand.

Herald Goa