Dabolim airport will not shut: Dir. Dhananjay Rao

Dabolim Airport witnesses a notable decrease of 15-20% in passenger traffic compared to the previous financial year
Dabolim airport will not shut: Dir. Dhananjay Rao
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While speaking on the recent announcement regarding shifting of operations of Qatar Airways from Dabolim to Mopa director of the Dabolim Airport, Dhananjay Rao said that Dabolim Airport has witnessed a notable decrease of 15-20% in passenger traffic compared to the previous financial year. Rao, shed light on the situation and provide assurance regarding the airport's future operations.

Rao emphasized that the decline in passenger numbers is primarily attributed to the decision of several airlines to shift their operations to the Mopa airport. Despite the reduction, he underscored that Dabolim Airport will remain operational and is committed to serving passengers.

"The choice of airlines to relocate their operations to Mopa is entirely their own, and we respect that decision. It is a part of the dynamic nature of the aviation industry. Dabolim Airport will not cease its operations in the future due to this shift," stated Dhananjay Rao.

Addressing future plans, Rao mentioned that the upcoming summer schedule will bring additional flights to Dabolim Airport. Despite the shifting dynamics, he asserted that most charter flights, with the exception of one charter operator, are still operating from Dabolim.

In a positive development, Rao shared that in March, Indigo Airlines is set to introduce two more flights on the Hyderabad-Goa-Pune sector, providing a boost to connectivity from Dabolim Airport. The airport director remains optimistic about the airport's future and its ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

He further assured that Dabolim Airport is actively exploring strategies to attract new airlines and routes, aiming to revitalize passenger numbers and maintain its position as a key aviation hub in the region.

Herald Goa