A statement made by Subhash Velingkar, a right-wing RSS man has brought the patron saint of Goa St Francis Xavier in the news. Allegations of religious persecution against the saint are not new and Goa has moved on already. However, a sinister plan to vertically divide the plural, tolerant and happily united community of Goa has been unleashed by bringing St Xavier in the controversy. PRATIK PARAB delves more to find that SFX is a much revered saint for not just the Catholic community, but across all communities and that is why he is referred to as Goencho Saib by all Goans
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India being a secular country, the Constitution gives all its citizens the right to practice, preach and propagate his or her faith. In fact we Indians celebrate all festivals with equal fervour, irrespective of our faith.

But, politicians sometimes play to vote bank politics and speak against other religions and communities to play vote bank politics. When disgruntled politicians use and abuse history, the needle of suspicion on their motives is clearly warranted.

One such instance is the recent controversy raked up by former Goa RSS branch head Subhash Velingkar. He had called for a “DNA test” of the relics of St Francis Xavier (SFX). He said the saint could not be called “Goencho Saib” (Protector of Goa). In an attempt to revive his sagging political career, Velingkar may have stirred the communal pot to get some limelight, which surely backfired on him. He certainly underestimated the love people have for their “Goencho Saib”.

According to Goan history, a miracle by St Francis Xavier saved Goa from the Maratha ruler Sambhaji in 1683. On November 24, 1683, Sambhaji led an army of 20,000 soldiers to capture the fort of St Estevam and the village of Zunvear. He then marched towards Old Goa to conquer it.

The then Portuguese Viceroy, Dom Francisco de Tavora feared that Sambhaji would capture Goa. He opened the casket containing the relics of St Francis Xavier, placed his sceptre and letters patent in the saint’s hands, and prayed for his intervention.

Soon after, the Mughals invaded Sambhaji’s kingdom, forcing him to cut short his conquest and Goa was saved. That’s how St Francis Xavier came to be known as “Goencho Saib”.

But is St Xavier only restricted to religion? Beyond his miracles and religious activities, is a saint who is dear to Goa and Goans for numerous reasons.

He initiated social reforms for improving the lives and livelihoods of the poor and the marginalised. He also undertook a yeoman task of bringing in Western education into the Indian subcontinent as early as 1542 by establishing schools and colleges, which transformed Goa’s educational landscape. St Paul’s College was a Jesuit school, and later college, founded circa 1542 by Saint Francis Xavier, at Old Goa. It was once the main Jesuit institution in the whole of Asia. It housed the first printing press in India, having published the first book in 1556.

Tourist Shaju John explained how St Xavier and the Jesuits brought education to India in a big way.

“St Francis Xavier, also belonged to order of Jesuits who brought education to India in a big way. The Jesuits are called the schoolmasters of Europe. They started many colleges and schools in India and the top colleges in India, the top four rankings colleges belong to the Jesuit institutions. So, I think in a way they brought a lot of revolution in terms of education too. So, I must say that this place I stand (Old Goa) is a holy ground which brought a lot of change and transformation to the whole of India,” he said.

He fought against social injustices such as slavery and the mistreatment of the poor. For generations, Goans have revered Xavier as a family member, affectionately calling him “Goencho Saib”.

Fr Victor Ferrao, Parish Priest of St Francis Xavier Church, Borim explained how.

“For us Goans, Francis Xavier has affectionately become Goencho Saib. We have not given him that title at all. I don’t know from where this title came from, but it is a living tradition that I experience even today. I was taught by my grandfather. He would take me for Novenas as a growing up boy.”

Dyanpeeth Award winning author Damodar Mauzo, while explaining why and how St Xavier earned the title of being the most revered saint of Goa said, “Christianity is governed by organisation. We have it clear in our minds that unlike in Hindu religion, where sainthood is a position bestowed upon by the people, in Christianity, sainthood is given by the organisation after taking feedback from people”.

“Sainthood in Christianity is given to people who not only indulge in God, but also the work they do for the society” he said.

“On one side is the work that St Xavier did for the people and on the other side is the love and respect people have for him. Whether he did miracles or not is a different part, because I am not a blind believer of the religion I belong to. Like Hinduism evolved after leaving behind the wrongs of the religion and that is the reason it is in the hearts of the people, Christianity also survives and flourishes among the Goans on the same principles,” he said.

SFX’s legacy transcends denominational boundaries, symbolising unity among Goans. Even in his absence, St Xavier is uniting the people of Goa.

Fr Victor Ferrao said, “Francis sort of unites everybody and I feel that even in his death, interreligious dialogue is one that he begins and allows us to without really being able to bring the dialogue. I try to bring people together on a platform and we talk about religion, faith, science and technology, but in his case, he has become a platform for an interreligious harmonious way of living. He’s a platform for inter-religious dialogue for Goans and also non-Goans.”

Mauzo added, “I have seen so many Christians religiously going for the feast of St Xavier at Old Goa. However, it is also a fact that there are so many Hindus who go to Old Goa and also to the Colva Fama of the Menino Jesus. There are hundreds of Christians who come to the Zambaulim temple in faith of Lord Daambaab. Hence, putting a tag to the faith and the faithful is impossible as it is priceless.”

Speaking of the venom of hate that is being spewed by some elements in the State, Fr Victor Ferrao said, “Men are trying to give a singularistic future. However, Francis himself is bringing us to a pluralistic future for all of us, so that we can walk towards a better tomorrow and all of us can reach our destination together. We can all strive to create a very happy and prosperous Goa, where peace and God’s blessings come together.”

Feast of St Francis Xavier celebrated on December 3 every year, is a grand celebration honouring Xavier’s life and legacy. Lakhs of devotees participate in Novena processions and prayers showcasing their devotion.

Fr Victor Ferrao explained how people from all religions visit St Xavier’s Church in Borim and offer candles and prayers.

“Some of our right-wing people have made him a polarising figure. But the fact is that he is opposite of it. From their individual life experiences, anybody will tell you how people stop in front of Francis Xavier. Whatever faith you come from, people simply stop in devotion and great love, and subsequently go blessed. It is a feeling of being redeemed from your problems. He has come to help people he loved and has never gone away,” he said.

Damodar Mauzo, Fr Victor Ferrao and the Convenor of the Exposition Committee, Fr Henry Falcao reached out to the people of Goa to stay united during the Exposition. Fr Falcao said, “People of all faiths come to venerate St Francis Xavier during the Exposition. Francis Xavier unites people. Goa is known for communal harmony where people of all faiths have lived peacefully. The Exposition is a time to increase communal harmony.”

Herald Goa