Betalbatim SC, Fr Agnel YSC in last eight

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Team Herald

RAIA: Betalbatim Sporting Club defeated hosts Sao Jose de Areal SC 2-1 to enter the quarter-finals of the 41st Sao Jose de Areal Panchayat Cup inter-village football tournament played at Padribhat ground, Sao Jose de Areal, on Monday.

Keith Rodrigues and Dickson Rogtao netted a goal each for Betalbatim Sporting Club, while Stalen Oliveira reduced the margin for Sao Jose de Areal SC.

Earlier, Fr Agnel YSC, Paroda, got the better of Carmona SC 7-6 via tie-breaker to enter the quarter-finals.

Both teams were tied 2-2 at the full session. Aswin Fernandes and Joy Fernandes netted for Fr Agnel YSC, while Rohan Ferrao and Dezwin Dias scored a goal each for Carmona SC.

In the ensuing tiebreaker, Melson Fernandes, Kanchan Kiro, Pascoal Dias, Macloyd D’Costa and Melwin Lima scored for Fr Agnel YSC; while Wilbur Matos, Stanford Ferrao, Dezwin Dias and Asley Pinto scored for Carmona SC. Melson Fernandes of Fr Agnel YSC was adjudged as man-of-the-match by Valente Fernandes, secretary of Sao Jose de Areal Sports Club.

Herald Goa